Home » The Dog House » What's New » 1999 Changes
These are the changes that were made in 1999, the current ones are here.  Home Up Change History 2007 2004 2002 2001 2000 1999 | - Nov 99
- Content Privacy - (updated)
With the current spate of raids on homes in the UK on the thinnest of pretexts, you may want to consider what reasonable precautions you may need to take, Protect and Survive
- Content Electro Training - The use of electro corrective training for your dog (updated)
- Content Chastity Training - The benefits of Chasity Training your Dog (New)
- Content Mouth Training - (New)
How well a dogslaves uses his mouth is one of his distinguishing features, they are very oral creatures. This page covers all the training and uses that you put a dogs mouth to, for a slave he can see what is required of him. - Content Boot Training - Boot training your dog (New)
- Content Mentors - more example pictures (New)
- Content Gags - more example pictures (updated)
- Content Commands - more example pictures (updated)
- Content Tribes - Goth Subtribe linked (updated)
- Content Nature of the Beast (updated)
- Content Begging (updated)
- Content SM Safety (New)
- Contribution Added a enema FAQ page (New)
- Content How to make a dogtail like Blond pup's (New)
- Contribution Added a page on "the making of a male slave" by wille lynch (New)
- Content Changed the navigation of the
banner button, so that it goes directly to the site map (updated) - Content Changed the site map, so that navigation is clearer (updated)
- Content Collar training - Breath Control / Electro (New).
- Oct 99
- Content Updated Slave Master McDade pages, for better access and navigation (updated)
- Content Training of Two dogs (New).
- Content Londons Leather club guide webpage as in the Mylinks page (updated)
- Content "Of Boys, Sons and dogs..." (updated)
- Content The feedback pages - your letters and comments webpage (updated)
- Content Gay Skinheads webpage (New).
Back by popular demand is the skinhead pages. There is the question what are skinhead pages doing on the doghouse, well Skinheads and SM Dogtraining it seems are a marriage made in heaven. These pages will tell you how. - Web Site automation - New looks for the Adverts Pages (phase one).
Sample is LAX Masters. (New) - Content The DogPound gets a make over (updated)
- Content dogslave Self test (updated)
- Content Novice slave benchnmark (New)
- Content Reality check (New) - Real life dogslave examples.
- Content Dog Lifestyle (New) - Overview to a Dogslaves lifestyle, getting ready for a lifetime of Ownership.
- Content Grooming (updated)
- Content Social Tribes (updated) - Pictures more examples etc.
- Content The DogPound (updated) - Improved navigation.
- Content Cubs Story (New) - Child hood to Ownership.
- Content Help page (updated) - This is the start of the Webs sites User Guide. It will be translated into all the languages that The Doghouse web site supports.
- Sept 99
- Born Puppy (updated)
This covers the dogslave phyche. -
- List Server (updated)
This is now up and running well, it is hosted on at www.Queernet.org Currently managed by Master Daniel and his DogslaveAU. There is a interactive list and a digest that is a collection of numerous interactions. - Dogslave Profile (updated)
improved layout and navigation-
- Content Basic Training (New)
This covers the basic training of a slave/dog slave. - Content Addtional Interests (New)
This is an additional list of every thing that I could think of. It does not suggest that a dogslave would be into all of this, but it can be used as a check list when meeting a new Master.-
- Content Homework (New)
what a slave (and a master) can do in prepration before Dog meets Owner.-
- Content slave Self test and [dogslave] Self test (New)
Dont know why I did not thing of this before, the slave self test was on a European site, the dogslave one is the one relevant to the dogslave -
- Content Reality Check (New)
The stories pages had a mix of real life and stories. The reality check pages is where the 'autobiographical' stories are kept. Here you can see how people progressed from their earliest k9 fantasies through to their self actualisation. - On going automation changes to the adverts generation process, eg to files like ADVTMNYC.HTM for Master in the NYC timezone.
Also better navigation. using a toolbar navigation CSS amd DHMTL which works fine in Microsoft Explorer4/5 but not in Netscape. Since most of you are using MSIE version 4 or above that is not a problem. Those not using that will get the same as before.
- Aug 99
- MyLinks
Have split this page up due to the long load time of expanded content.
- Suppliers
Have put this in its own page due to the number of quality BDSM suppliers now emerging. - Clubs
Have put this in its own page due to the vareity of BDSM/Fetish clubs and venues in the UK, and in Europe. - Brighton
This town just gets better. Have added more information about what is on from a tourism point of view, also things to do nearby (London is near by). -
- Dog Paws
More info on Dog paws; uses, styles and suppliers.
- Dog Tails
More info on Dog Tails; uses, styles making them yourself and suppliers -
- Dog Teeth
More info on Dog Teeth; conversions, implants and more.
- Joining
The joining page has more information on it now to help me tune my site to better fit your needs, and for you to find the nearest contact in your area.
- Chinese - started
The translation of this site into Chineese (GB and Big5 styles) has begun. More on the other translation plans are in the TranPlan.htm page.
- July 99
- Cages
Have updated the cage pages to reflect a better navigation system
- Cages: Long Term confinement
Have added a page about cages as holding pens, and for long term captivity, that differs from the over night dog cages - Cages: Training
Have added an unlinked page about cages in Training - Cages: Story
Have added an unlinked story about the use of Cages in slave correction
- June 99
- Topdog1
Have updated the page to include more self pic photos, and restructureed it. -
- Joining
Have refined this page so that it is easier to follow, adding additional checking for essential feilds
- Slave youth
Have added a adverts page for guys under 20. There are some 18 year old Tops, so "Slave Youth" is not an absolute! - Hetro/Bi
Have added a adverts page for non-gays, containing both Doms and Subs. -
- More automation for Adverts
Have added more automation to the adverts process, and slow work migrating from the power of OS/2 to and 100% NT system.
- Feb 99
- What's New
Now uses frames and splits the general information and the change history up. The changes page will also have a list of changes that are generated for the web site automation and is displayed using an ActiveX object. This allows you to sort the columns by date, title, name or change number is you are using MSIE. This list will be be either as a link or a separate page, as Netscape 4.5 seems to crash every time it sees such a page.
- News and reviews
Organised more like a Sunday newspaper this now is broken into sections that you can quickly switch between. The site not makes use of frames, and in the initial frame is a splash screen giving you a quick overview of the section. For those using web browsers that do not support frames a simple jump list is used as before.
- Content: Humiliation
Content expanded and completed.
- Heterosexual and Bi-Sexuals Adverts page
An Extract of all the non-gay Master/Mistresses and slave adverts on the site
- Mind it
Why wait for me to tell you that your favourite page has changed, get Net mind (http://www.netmind.com) to do it for you. It is arranged such that all you need do is to click on a page and tell the reminded where to email the reminder to. To view all the changes for your monitored pages have a look at http://mindit.netmind.com/view.shtml
- Navigation
The progress begins to cluster like minded topics together as one of the biggest complaints about the site is that you cannot find the same thing twice. Coupled with that is the installation of the FrontPage extensions that provide web search abilities.
- Moved to new Server
It is said that the move to this new server gives a faster response time, double the space and all of MS FrontPage server extensions - if only it was that simple...
- Content: Punishment Cages & Confinement Cages (New)
Now uses frames and splits the general information and the change history up. The changes page will also have a list of changes that are generated for the web site automation and is displayed using an ActiveX object. This allows you to sort the columns by date, title, name or change number is you are using MSIE. This list will be be either as a link or a separate page, as Netscape 4.5 seems to crash every time it sees such a page.
Revised: December 30, 2002. |