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The SM-fetish press has undergone massive expansion of late, and any anyone can change into the most divine of Masters or the most moving of slaves.
Many magazines are there for pure profit run by accountants and investors, many miss-lead you, this is the only club dedicated to the dog-slave and their Trainers.
This club is for pan-sexual humans (dogs and bitches) with a canine soul, and for the people who like them that way (Owners, Trainers, Masters and Mistresses ), it may also be of interest to SM enthusiasts.
The SM/Fetish scene industry has seen the Sub/Dom becoming very 'common-place' diluting its essence, there is something very special about SM, the devotion of a slave to his Master, the difference between a slave waiting on the end of a leash behind a top, not knowing how to stand, how to act versa the slave behind his Master, where everything appears second nature, such a slave leave your drooling.
Every one has to learn somehow/somewhere, and there are few places often to gain these skill - and in the advent of the Spanner Trail, the Mapplethorpe book burnings in the UK, a country not at ease with diversity, SM is being driven underground, leaving only frivolous fashion (empty) SM left.
If you want to explore the animal within, or are seeking a Master/Owner or slave pup, this is the place for you.

The Doghouse team