Archive This site is also an archive for every aspect of the human animals. Archive material when space is at a premium will be held in PDF format. This site is not planning to be all things to all people -how could it, so off loading general slave training to another site may come in the future. Training Academies There are a number of places that offer training in SM techniques. In time the domain will cause experience to develop in other specialists such as DogTraining, Pony Training etc.
Reading List This site is also a reading list that covers many aspects of SM Dogtraining and background SM foundation. This is where you make the assumption that you have a foundation of SM and you specialize on Dog Training. Another view is that you may want to be fully rounded, and have tried and got good at everything, this being just one of the many things. This assist the belief that a Master is all knowing and is everything to a slave, so if a dogslave comes his way he should know what to do to keep him happy.
How can I help with the doghouse? As the site grows the work increases at a fevered pace. We need writers, photos, reviewer, organizers, sponsors...
How do I join So you like what you see and you its something you want to belong to.
Frequently Asked Questions This is going to take a long time wading thru my mail logs
Intercourse and Synergy This is where you interact with others bouncing ideas off each other. This comes from Chat rooms, mails lists and so on. Why ask one person when there is a million to help shape your destiny.
Look and Feel what all the buttons do, what the hyper links look like.
My Links This is a list of useful links, from clubs to suppliers and bits that make your website slicker or faster, where to get your PDF viewer or the web fonts used on the Site.