Home » The Dog House » Members » FAQ, Refs and Library » Reading List | This is a reading list to help in the training of boy,dog/slave or for a slave to do some work on his own whilst his search for an Owner continues. Please send in any additional titles that you think are good, that other member might fine useful, or if you rate this book then let me know. | Reading List |
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| - The Bottoming Book by DossieEaston & CatherineLizst
- Or How to get terrible things done to you by wonderful people
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0963976311/ref=sim_books/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:0-9639763-1-1 Pub:Greenery Press - SF-CA Cover:Paper Pages:11 Purchase Price:12 Rateing:
- The Topping Book by Dossie Easton, Catherine A. Liszt
- Good on some emotional & intellectual aspects of Topping. I give this to many of the Tops that I play with, especially the beginners. It's a great start. However, it should be used in conjuction with information about technical use and safety. The sister book, _The_Bottoming_Book_, is also a really great book for novice or old fogey. Not positive about Old Guard, so keep that bias in mind.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0963976354/ref=sim_books/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:0-9639763-5-4 Pub:Greenery Press - SF-CA Cover:Paper Pages:11 Purchase Price:12 Rateing:
- HAZING by John Beaty
- An Anthology of ture hazing tales
Category: ISBN:0-9640291-0-3 Pub:Outbound Press - usa Cover:Paper Pages:11 Purchase Price:12.95 Rateing:
- Entertainment for a Master by John Preston
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0932870945/qid=921801411/sr=1-3/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:0-932870-94-5 Pub:Alyson Publications - Boston Cover:Paper Pages:11 Purchase Price:9 Rateing: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0932870945/qid=921801411/sr=1-3/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:0-932870-94-5 Pub:Alyson Publications - Boston Cover:Paper Pages:11 Purchase Price:9 Rateing:
- The Love of a Master by John Preston
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1555834019/qid=921801411/sr=1-2/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:0-932870-95-3 Pub:Alyson Publications - boston Cover:Paper Pages:11 Purchase Price:7.95 Rateing: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1555834019/qid=921801411/sr=1-2/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:0-932870-95-3 Pub:Alyson Publications - boston Cover:Paper Pages:11 Purchase Price:7.95 Rateing:
- In Search of a Master by John Preston
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0821620053/qid=921801411/sr=1-1/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:0-8216-2005-3 Pub:Meadowland Books - usa Cover:Paper Pages:11 Purchase Price:7.95 Rateing:
- I once had a Master by John Preston
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0932870511/o/qid=921801411/sr=2-1/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:0932870511 Pub:Alyson Publications - boston Cover:Paper Pages:11 Purchase Price: Rateing:
Category: ISBN:0932870511 Pub:Alyson Publications - boston Cover:Paper Pages:11 Purchase Price: Rateing:
- Master's Counterpoints by Larry Townsend
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1555833942/qid=921801936/sr=1-11/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:1555833942 Pub:Alyson Publications - boston Cover:Paper Pages:11 Purchase Price:9.95 Rateing:
- Sir! More Sir by Master Jackson
- The Joy of S&M. Finally a no holds barred account of the dark and often misunderstood world of corporal punishment. A genuine whipcracker of a book that will have you unable to sit in your seat.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0943595398/qid%3D921802103/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:0-943595-39-8 Pub:Leyland Publications - SF-CA Cover:Paper Pages:11 Purchase Price:14.95 Rateing:
- On the safe Edge by Trevor Jacques
- A Manual for SM Play - So you thought SM was just about pain? Ouch!
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1895857058/qid%3D921802267/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:1895857058 Pub:WholeSM Publishing - Toronto Cover:Paper Pages:11 Purchase Price: Rateing:
- The Kiss of the Whip : Explorations in Sm by Jim Prezwalski
- Explorations into SM
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0943595517/qid%3D921802921/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:0943595517 Pub:Leyland Publications - SF-CA Cover:Paper Pages:11 Purchase Price:15.95 Rateing:
- S&m : Studies in Dominance & Submission by by Thomas S. Weinberg
- A must for anyone who ever wondered about rope/whips This is a good book for anyone who is curious about the art of S&M. It is written in sections covering everything from simple knots and restraints to branding, cutting and leather clubs. It is a very well written book and covers alot of ground. If you are looking for answers to why you have always thought rope or leather were exciting, this is the book for you. If you are looking for naughty stories, pick something else. Rather heavy reading at points, but overall - very informative.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/087975978X/ref=sim_books/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:087975978X Pub:Prometheus Books - Cover: Pages:11 Purchase Price: Rateing:
- The Mastery of Submission by John K. Noyes
- Individuals sometimes derive sexual pleasure from submission to cruel discipline. While that predilection was noted as early as the sixteenth century, masochism was not codified as a concept until 1890. According to John K. Noyes, its invention reflected a crisis in the liberal understanding of subjectivity and sexuality which continues to inform discussions of masochism today.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0801433452/ref=sim_books/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:0801433452 Pub: - Cover: Pages:11 Purchase Price: Rateing:
- An Exploration of Dominance & Submission by Gini Graham Scott
http://www.amazon.comhttp://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0806518510/ref=sim_books/002-52720 53-2609248 Category: ISBN:0806518510 Pub: - Cover: Pages:11 Purchase Price: Rateing:
- Different Loving by Gloria G. Brame
- Few books come with warning labels, but this one does: ``Readers should not attempt any of the activities described in these pages.'' Why not? Because the outr, sexual practices described by the Brames (she: a former therapist; he: a former archaeologist) and Jacobs (a freelance writer) in this bold report carry psychological and, often, physical risks--though that hasn't stopped the two-hundred-odd practitioners whom the authors interviewed, nor the millions who share their passion for sexual dominance and submission (D&S). All D&S, the authors explain, involves a ``power exchange'' in which one partner ``tops,'' or dominates, and the other ``bottoms,'' or submits--whether through bondage, wrestling, whipping, body-piercing, etc. After running through the history of D&S scholarship--with expected nods at Krafft-Ebbing and Havelock Ellis--the Brames and Jacob present an overview of the practices themselves, which range from infantilism (the bottom often wears a diaper and sucks on a bottle) and depersonalization (the bottom may act like an object, perhaps a footstool, or an animal, most often a pony) to spanking, cross-dressing, foot fetishes, enemas, branding, and so on. The authors discuss the methods, psychological bases, and historical backgrounds of the practices, each of which is illuminated by interviews with practitioners who speak with great seriousness (``Deliberate, ritualized infliction of what we call pain can change the relationship of the body and that which lives in the body,'' says Fakir Musafar, who likes to dangle from trees by way of ``fleshhooks''). And as for the risks, nearly all of these sexual outlaws identify with the ``Scene'' (the vast D&S underground that's highly self-aware: Two thousand infantilists, for example, belong to a ``Diaper Pail Fraternity'') and with its credo of ``Safe, Sane, and Consensual.'' The definitive guide to the sexual styles of those who walk on the wild side. --
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0679769560/ref=sim_books/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:0679769560 Pub: - Cover: Pages:11 Purchase Price: Rateing:
- The Masters Manual by Jack Rinella, Joseph W. Bean
- This is an essential read for anyone wanting to understand how S/M can be primal, when leather can be spiritual, why someone could be proud of being a sadist, or how to find joy and wholeness in our dark sides. Rinella notes that "attitude makes the difference between being a master and a top," and The Master's Manual is unequaled in its discussion of the attitude of power and the soul of a master. This is the second book any novice dominant or submissive should read. While the basic how-to of Sensuous Magic or Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns is essential, The Master's Manual builds on that knowledge with things such as "Rinella's Six Attributes Every Master Needs" (like self-confidence, trustworthiness, and acceptance of self), the strength and courage of submissives, the application of discipline, and suggestions on the training of submissives. It's a peerless resource for anyone who wants to be, or wants to understand, a master.
www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1881943038/ref=sim_books/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:1881943038 Pub:Daedalus Publishing Company - usa Cover: Pages:11 Purchase Price: Rateing:
- Sm 101 : A Realistic Introduction by Jay Wiseman
- It goes by many names: bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, sadomasochism, and more. In Jay Wiseman's SM 101, the long-taboo subject of consentual sadomasochism is accurately, insightful presented in the context of adult human sexuality, experience and tradition for the interested non-specialist general reader. SM 101 surveys the entire spectrum of consentual sadomasochistic practices from from bondage, to spanking, to erotic role-playing, and more. Now in an expanded second edition, SM 101 includes a new chapter on starting and running sadomaschistic organizations and events for consenting adults. Greenery Press has an extensive title list in the area of human sexuality and maintains a site on the World Wide Web (see the above URL) with a complete roster of their publications in various aspects of human sexuality and practices.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0963976389/ref=sim_books/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:0963976389 Pub:Greenery Press - usa Cover: Pages:11 Purchase Price: Rateing:
- Leathersex by Joseph W. Bean
- Leathersex : A Guide for the Curious Outsider and the Serious Player by Joseph W. Bean Shopping with us is 100% safe. Guaranteed. Our Price: $14.95 Paperback (August 1997) Daedalus Publishing Company; ISBN: 1560238577 Availability: This title is currently on back order. We do not have a reprint date for this title, but we expect to be able to ship it to you within 3-5 weeks. Amazon.com Sales Rank: 195,602 Avg. Customer Review: Number of Reviews: 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write an online review and share your thoughts with other readers! Customers who bought this book also bought: Ties That Bind : The Sm/Leather/Fetish Erotic Style: Issues, Commentaries and Advice; Guy Baldwin, Joseph Bean Leatherfolk : Radical Sex, People, Politics, and Practice; Mark Thompson(Editor) The Masters Manual : A Handbook of Erotic Dominance; Jack Rinella, Joseph W. Bean Sm 101 : A Realistic Introduction; Jay Wiseman Click here for more suggestions... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Customer Comments Average Customer Review: Number of Reviews: 1 Bo (tranz_emoboy@yahoo.com) from Florida, USA , March 5, 1999 an excellent encyclopedia for leathermen of all levels Joseph Bean does an outstanding job of explaining, demystifying and clarifying many aspects of BDSM. It is from a gay male perspective and would probably not be of tremendous interest to hets or lesbians, but gay & bi/pansexual bio- & transmen should thoroughly enjoy Bean's work, no matter what their level of involvement in BDSM. He covers a wide variety of topics ranging from leather to bondage, BDSM relationships to finding partners, play parties to tools, etc. Plus Bean focuses on the importance of the safe, sane & consensual principles. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1560238577/ref=sim_books/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:1560238577 Pub:Daedalus Publishing Company - usa Cover: Pages:11 Purchase Price: Rateing:
- Ties That Bind by Guy Baldwin, Joseph Bean
- The Best Book on BDSM lifestyle available If you are trying to understand the BDSM Lifestyle, want to get into it or just are interested in how people can "hurt so good", then this is the book! Mr Baldwin is the "John the Baptist" of the BDSM (Bondage/Discipline, Sado/Masochism) movement and a truly eloquent writer. Even if you have never "played" you will be moved. This book has changed many a life and turned many people (male and female) onto this lifestyle. Forget "the Story of O" and read the REAL THING.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1881943097/ref=sim_books/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:1881943097 Pub:Daedalus Publishing Company - usa Cover:Paper Pages:11 Purchase Price: Rateing:
- Whips and Kisses : Parting the Leather Curtain by Mistress Jacqueline
- Readable memoir of ``Alice,'' by day a psychologist, by night ``Mistress Jacqueline'': a dominatrix, or ``fantasy engineer''- -although ``some people call me `Goddess.' '' Rimmer (The Harrad Experiment, etc.) and Tavel started out to interview 10 or 12 porno stars to find out how they abandoned parental sexual and religious conditioning, bared their bodies, and had sex in public. They landed Mistress Jacqueline, who wanted all their time for her own story. Jacqueline is, she says, the most sought-after, highly paid dominatrix on the West Coast, and has appeared on national talk shows with one of her slaves to discuss the sensitivities at the base of B&D (bondage and discipline). Much that she tells us is unspeakable indeed, but enlightening as well. Some forms of sexual abuse she thinks truly perverse, such as rape, in which there is no bond or mutual agreement. B&D is largely acting, but sometimes with gross activities that make even Jacqueline run out of the room and heave. What keeps her servile clients returning are their bonding to her, as well as her understanding that they truly need a bitch goddess--and her leather outfits say she's just that. Outside the dungeon, Alice/Jacqueline herself is more sexually responsive in the submissive role. Her opening chapters present her as an overachieving Marjorie Morningstar in the Bronx, rebelling painfully against a dominating mother and passive father. Her four-year marriage collapsed when her no-money husband chose to do stand-up comedy and let her work. Only at graduate school, undergoing therapy, did she learn that ``nothing is wrong or bad or ugly between consenting adults'' and that her obsession with spanking fantasies was okay. Sympathetic--but rough on the stomach. --
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/087975656X/ref=sim_books/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:087975656X Pub: - Cover: Pages:11 Purchase Price: Rateing:
- Dogs never lie about love by Jeffrey Masson
- Masson writes in details about dogs emotions,the dogs needs, wants , dreams, sadness, fears and loves, and attempts to interpret their feelings without sdounding even slightly sloppy. His ideas are complex and convincing. Initially aimed at trad dog Owner it also is excellent for the dogslave and slave Owner. When a slave reads it, he will recognise many of his feelings in there, like wise a Master can see these dog qualities in a potential slave, and so in developing the slave full potential as either a dog companion through to a human animal.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0609802011/o/qid=921803089/sr=2-2/002-5272053-2609248 Category:Psychology ISBN:0-09-974061-3 Pub:Vintage - UK Cover:Paper Pages:11 Purchase Price: œ6.99UK / $16.95AUS Rateing:
Category:Psychology ISBN:0-09-974061-3 Pub:Vintage - UK Cover:Paper Pages:11 Purchase Price: œ6.99UK / $16.95AUS Rateing:
- Enema As an Erotic Art and Its History by David Barton-Jay
- Entertaining, literate, witty, perverse, endlessly fascinating, this book traces the history of the enema and all of its unpredictable manifestations throughout the ages. Really quite a masterpiece in its own funny way. DO NOT bypass just because of the subject matter! Tremendous illustrations!
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0910409005/ref=sim_books/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:0910409005 Pub: - Cover: Pages:11 Purchase Price: Rateing:
- Anal Pleasure & Health : A Guide for Men by Jack Morin, Jack Moris
- This is the first and only research-based guide for the millions of men and women, of all sexual orientations, who want to include the anal area in their erotic exploration. Updating his findings for the 21st century, author Jack Morin, Ph.D., explains how to replace negative emotions and beliefs about the anus with positive attitudes; how to simultaneously enjoy anal stimulation and promote anal wellness; how to know and communicate your requirements for satisfying anal experiences; and how to contribute to your own healing when you have medical problems.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0940208202/ref=sim_books/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:0940208202 Pub: - Cover: Pages:11 Purchase Price: Rateing:
- Love Thine Enemas & Heal Thyself by Jerry G., Dr. Knox
- THE ONLY BOOK EVER WRITTEN COVERING THESE ASPECTS OF ENEMAS It covers the psyhological, sexual, spiritual and political aspects of enemas and colonic irrigation. The book is well polished, readable and 425 pages of text, with 12 case histories of enema and colonic experiences written in a readable form, and 3 illustrations. The book is comprehensive and represents more than 40 years of research and experience.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0962590819/ref=sim_books/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:0962590819 Pub: - Cover: Pages:11 Purchase Price: Rateing:
- Art of Handballing by Bert Herrman
- It's the perfect book no matter what type of rough trade you're involved in.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0962475157/ref=sim_books/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:0962475157 Pub:Alamo Square Press - Cover: Pages:11 Purchase Price: Rateing:
- The G Spot by Alice Kahn Ladas, Beverly Whipple, John D. Perry
- This is the best book I have read on this topic so far, and it is a pity that I haven't read it before. I truly believe that my sex life would have been different, and probably more fulfilling. This book is a must for all those women who do not find their G-Spot by accident, and especially for those who still do not believe that the G-Spot does exist. This book should contain enough scientific proof and information to convince everyone.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0440130409/ref=sim_books/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:0440130409 Pub: - Cover: Pages:11 Purchase Price: Rateing:
- How to Make Love All Night by Barbara Kessling
- As fun as it is practical, this book proves than men don't have to be Zen masters or specially gifted to please themselves and their partners over and over again. Drawing on her 10 years experience as a sex therapist, Dr. Keesling tells how, with easy-to-follow muscle exercises, men can learn the techniques that will make sex more enjoyable for themselves and their partners.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/006092621X/ref=sim_books/002-5272053-2609248 Category: ISBN:006092621X Pub: - Cover: Pages:11 Purchase Price: Rateing: -
 title: Dogs never lie about love author: Jeffrey Masson isbn: 0-09-974061-3 pub: Vintage cat: Animal Psychology/Pets Cost: £6.99UK / $16.95AUS url: http://www.randomhouse.co.uk
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