
How can I help with
The doghouse?

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Volunteer Application

Correspondents Page Master

* Translation
* WhosWho

The Doghouse keeps growing at a feverish pace, we welcome volunteer writers, models, reviewer, organizers, sponsors, translators if you want to take part in the future of The Doghouse you can email directly or you may check the contributors box on the joining the web site page.


  • There are many people that help with the Doghouse directly and indirectly in an adhoc way.
  • We are always keen for people who share this passion to put it to work in the here. Whatever service you can donate it is always welcome.
  • What is needed is Writers, Translators, Organizers, Promoters, Copy editors and Contributors. There are a number of Masters proudly showing the antics of their pups in these pages.
  • This site offers page exchanges/ reciprocation , where some pages are republished  (with permission and full credits) having return links to the originals, that may not be in English - in return for using content that is found on this site.
    This follows the goal of being a central repository for everything that relates to SM Dog Training.


Photographic Models Wanted ^ (Apply)
The site constant needs additional photos of hot slaves depicting the dog slave way of life.  This includes all aspects of their training, together with Trainer/Masters who would be interested in becoming involved. 
Correspondents ^ (Apply)
To reflect the truly international flavour of The Doghouse, we welcome correspondents from the widest pool possible, offering a different, interesting and often unique perspective that The Doghouse has become known for.
The site constantly needs to be aware of news, reviews and happening around the world that relate to SM and SM Dog Training; as well as events that might be of interest to our members.
This would suit any budding Journalist.
Advertising, Sales and Marketing  ^ (Apply)
This helps take The Doghouse into the next stage of its evolution. With the number of people showing interest in advertising on the Doghouse growing each day we need someone with skills and the passion to promote both The Doghouse  and Services that it offers; promoting  high quality products that the readership of the Doghouse have come to expect.
Copy/Literary  Editor ^ (Apply)
Any written copy needs a second set of eyes that does not read what you think is there; this coverts spelling (there/their), thought to does it read right, could be be said better. The Doghouse is not just focused on the US West Coast, but international membership, typically where English is a second language, with this in mind, the English is pitched at the EFL standards. 
Translators & Accessibility ^ (Apply)
I get many people accessing this site for whom English is not their first language, they express obvious interest and I would love to make this site as accessible as possible to them. It is always nice to have a site in your first language so people who would like to help in accessibility efforts are very welcome.


Do you speak both another language (German or French or Spanish) and English very well?
We need someone to help translate the following Dog House features:

  • Main pages.
  • About us pages.
  • Adverts intro section.
  • New user Registration (joining)
  • User Guide



Page Masters ^ (Apply)
As the continues to grow, so does the needs for people to look after section of the doghouse. You make have a particular sub interest in a section the doghouse and feel that you would like to look after that.
If you have some  Web Development skills (though mentoring support is offered) and what to contribute to the Doghouse web space then this is the role for you.
Last updated 01 Aug 2004 15:23:51 +0100