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Posting Members Reviews is a two-step process. First, complete the form below and click "Send your Review." Then, we will show you how your comments will appear online. When you're ready to submit them, click the "Submit your Review" button on the bottom of the page.

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[FrontPage Save Results Component]

1. How do you rate this Book/Product/Service?

2. Please enter a one-line summary of your review:

3. Type your review in the space below: (maximum of 1,000 words)

4. Enter your e-mail address and, if you wish, your name:

Examples: pridenprej@aol.com or Jane Austin (pridenprej@aol.com)

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6. Before we put your review online, we want to give you a chance to see how your review will appear. Please take a minute and click this button to:

The Fine Print:

  • All submitted reviews become the sole property of the DogHouse.org
  • Your reviews will be posted within five to seven business days.
  • Submissions that do not follow our review guidelines will not be posted.
Original siteLast updated 01 Aug 2004 15:23:51 +0100


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