^ | Feedback | Regenerated on 25 Jan 2019 19:33 -0000 | | I really like your feedback, both good and bad. I even reply to the hate mail from the Baptist that want to burn me at the stake!I especially like to hear from puppy slaves (anyway) that have a favourite section. I know you think the site is great, but surely there is a little something that you would love?
Below is just some of the comments that you have sent in, these I wanted to share with you. I have included the hostile ones in Red. For all the hostile ones I have followed up to figure out their complaints, for all of them it is the usual fear of something people different from themselves. You might want to checkout the what's new pages to see what is new that might appeal to you, but let me know what is missing. eMail Topdog | - 2001.. 2005
2000 July - Hi Top Dog Sincerely appreciate your efforts, you have an extreme exceptional site of which I have used for the last 3 years. Very well done, thank you Master S
06 Jul 2000
- Dear SIR, I won't waste your time by writing you a huge e-mail, as I know you must have to read a lot. I just wanted to say how fantastic your web site is. It has a very good mix of things, and I especially enjoy the stories and any information/advice there is on there. I hope someone posts some more stories soon - I especially liked the story about the man who was adopted as a dog, and his story about his training. Yours, bearcub
16 Jul 2000
- 2000 June
- I keep logging on to your website, its so totally brilliant, ive never had any experience but feel there must be a K9 part to me, i really want to try it - i'd go anywhere in UK to a Master who would give me a taste of being a dog for 24 hrs or whatever - can you suggest anything? Chip
13 Jun 2000
- Hello Topdog, Doubtless you hear this often, but it cannot be oversaid - you've created a landmark web site. Congrats. I hope you get as much satisfaction from keeping it as all your visitors do from getting into it. Regards - LthrGuy in Canada.
11 Jun 2000
- 2000 May
- Hi Sir, Cant say how much i love being in YOUR home, wished we could chat SIR
13 May 2000
- 200 February
- Dear Sir, i have been told be friends that i'm a furrie (a human with animialistic traits). i find myself barking at people/things, howling at the moon, growling at things/people i dislike. i found that a majority of the activities/training i read about at Your site stirs something within me. i have met two Dogs and one Owner, all of whom said that i displayed some of the appropriate charistics. but They also pointed out that i am something of an oddity...that there are so few female pups/Dogs. I will continue reading Your site to learn as much as i can about Dog life and training. thank You Sir for Your site. Nicole
11 Feb 200
- 2000 January
- Dear TopDog, Your wonderful site has been an inspiration to and really helped structure and quantify the relationship that i am in with my own Master! We have learned so much from your site. Thank you for devoting the time, energy and passion that creating such a site takes! Truly inspirational, thank you!! Thank you. Kavash
29 Jan 2000
- Hi...I am a submissive who is interested in getting more and more involved with dog/puppy training. Just wanted to say you have an absolutely fantastic website, and the amount of work you have put into it definitely shows and is appreciated..great job.
12 Jan 2000
- 1999 December
- 1999 October
- Sir, i just wanted to tell YOU i am so grateful for the website.i have learned so much and it has helped me greatly to feel better about my dogslave nature.i would like to help in any way and hope to send YOU some personal stories.Thank YOU again.
21 Oct 1999
- Sir, Since i am writing, i would like to thank You for all the somewhat recent additions and and updates to the DogHouse Site, it is beyond wonderful, keep up the stupendous work!! BTW, i think You should know that it was Your site that turned me onto dogtraining, i had/have been into leather/rubber/bdsm for about 10 years now, but until i got a webtv unit and started surfing the net, it didn't take me long to find what i had always been searching for, but had never been able to put a finger/paw on. i started reading Your site and instantly realized that i had finally found the niche i had been searching for. So thank You very much for that too. woof woof woof
18 Oct 1999
- 1999 August
- I wanted to thank you for providing such a wonderful and much needed web site. Regardless of the fact that I have not yet sent you a picture to post with my advert, I have already received 3 promising offers from potential pups in the first few weeks of placing my ad. I am meeting the first potential pup over coffee tomorrow, Wednesday the 24th. I will let you know how things progress should you be interested in that information. Thank you once again for the service you provide.
Ashke Woof - 24 Aug 1999
- 1999 July
- TopDog1 Sir. I have to tell you I am very proud of your website. I never really realize how much I was into Owner/Dog relationship. In simple my true calling. THank you again for your and time in creating and access to your wonderful site.
Jamie - 02 Jul 1999
- Hi, Your site is very hot and I am very interested in joining. I filled out a request for membership the other day, but haven't received any notification yet. Thanks Master 4 SM Topdog Replies: You should do a 'MindIt on FastAds' then you will get notified whenever new advers are loaded on page Http://www.thedoghouse.org/adverts/fastads.htm
03 Jul 1999
- Nicely done. Very through and well thoughtout. I applaud you efforts and the generosity of posting it for others to learn from.
13 Jul 1999
- Actually you have one the best sites I've seen not only for puppy play but for BDSM in general. Lots of helpful and informative information. I'm rather experienced at both puppy play and pony play and own a ponyboy. I'm sure your site will help numerous individuals out with defining their roles and responsibilities. I am curious as to what your personal experience is with puppy play and BDSM if you have the time and energy to write that is. :) Master Brian
13 Jul 1999
- Hey TopDog, Your site gets better and better. Congrats. Thanks for the EXCELLENT site for sharing our ways.
10 Jul 1999
- 1999 June
- Hello, my name is dave and i came accross your site and absolutely LOVE it. i'd be interested in talking to you more about our mutual understanding, i think. if you have the time please e-mail me Thank you, dave
18 Jun 1999
- Hi, I think your web site is amazing, and have been visiting it off and on since 1997. Thank you for a great service. From time-to-time I receive an email in response to my ad, however I am not in the market for a new Master at the moment, so please reflect that in the advert. Thanks again for a unique and wonderful web site. Nick
Nick - 11 Jun 1999
- 1999 April
- hello Sir, Just a fast note Sir..GREAT site! Keep it up, Sir. Red Dawg NY
16 Apr 1999
- Well, you've my attention and interest. Do have some printed info about joining, etc. Nothing elaborate. If there is a charge or whatever, I think you should be able to get me at FTBLR4EVER. You are HOT, very HOT.
09 Apr 1999
- Hi dogtrainer. I have seen your homepage. It is just great! I had alot of fun to read it, thank you. Greeting from a dog in Frankfurt/Germany
02 Apr 1999
- Hi! I am pleased to announce that the users of the International Master and slave Registry for Gay Men have voted The DogHouse for the I.M.S.R. Community Award for your service of value to the gay community.
Fabiano - 01 Apr 1999
- 1999 January
- Very good site,an interesting read and good use of graphics I remain Tourist
01 Jan 1999
- Excellent source for me. I am a Domme Female with a Bi male slave and am particulary interested in SM Dog Training.
MyLadyRisk - 29 Jan 1999
- I've just been to the page http://www.thedoghouse.org/ I just wanted you to know that someone on the web thinks that you're really sick.
17 Jan 1999
- 1998 December
- ...Thanks again -- the doghouse is the coolest website I have ever seen. Army
Army - 30 Dec 1998
- 1998 October
- Just a quick note to say that I thingk your page is super. I just happened upon it, and I am sure glad I did. This might sound strange, but although I live in New York City, I can't find anything associated with dog training as depicted on your site. I am sure it's out there.
- 24 Oct 1998
- SIR this is the most wonderful site on the whole web--i literally cried when i read this--this is what i want more in my life than anything--i would luv to find a MASTER to take me through the training and train me to be his dog!!!! SIR totally fantastic!!!
- 07 Oct 1998
- Hi there.. I just wanted to write and express my admiration on the wonderful job you've done on this website. Great information and links as well as a much needed resource for those interested in human pets. Thankyou very much. Great work!
Caryl - 16 Oct 1998
- 1998 September
- Sir- i was very pleased to stumble upon YOUR website, SIR. i was beginning to think i was the only one who felt this way. i have longed for a 24/7 relationship as a slavedog. Thank YOU very much for letting me know that i am not alone and that it IS possible. i have been preparing for this for SO long and have been completely unfullfilled inside for many many years (although to the outside i am viewed as a happy and very successful person, inside i feel entirely different) Thank YOU, SIR. Mutt
04 Sep 1998
- 1998 August
- Wow your site is SO HOT! i am very interested in knowing more about all parts of dog training. i do not even know what to ask, Is yours the only site? Is it new? Is there more coming? Can i find out more, SIr?
29 Aug 1998
- 1998 July
- Dear SIR, it has just read YOUR article in the control section. This is the most psychosexually positive, exciting, and promising method of ensuring bonding that it has read in a long, long time. The method is creative, multi-faceted, and it would expect, effective means imaginable -- combining rewards of behavior control, physical depletion and dependency, emotional exhaustion, mental mantra and susceptibility, and other subtlties it can only guess. The technique makes the cum clear, and more importantly, it makes the motivated mind clear. Thank YOU. This puppy prays it could belong to a MASTER schooled, dedicated, loving, and caring enough employ such training procedures. its gratitude would be boundless to please in anyway the MASTER desired -- if only...it could become "clear." SIR, it offers grateful appreciation for YOUR service, SIR.
19 Jul 1998
- > I love your site and am keen to know, where near Norwich are any shops > that specialise in canine toys and clothing. Is there anywhere on the > net I can order by mail/credit card. Or any other outlets that do mail > order you would recommend. > > Many thanks. > > Would be Master Brilliantly conscientious of you to reply like that. I owe you a drink. Ive been round one of the sites mentioned so far and it was well worth visiting. Brilliant! Very well done. My sincere thanks.
16 Jul 1998
- Just a note to let you know how much I have enjoyed your web site. VERY informative, imaginative and easy to get around and download pages. There were MANY things on it that I was unaware of or not quite sure. Thanks again for a great page and continue with the great work. I hope ALL slaves/boys/dogs and Masters at least check it out for a review of where they are in their particular scene or maybe get an insight to another side of it. Houston, TX
17 Jul 1998
- 1998 June
- Ever since I can remember i wanted to be a slave, at school i loved being told what to do by the other boys. Every chance i had i looked at all the mags feeling more and more frustrated, knowing that ordinary/vanilla sex is not what i wanted, i needed something more. i remember my first touch of a leather biker jacket on one of the lads at school, the buzz of electricity that went through me, how I was pre-occupied seeing some of the skinheads at school when they wore their dm's in. i wanted to be their slave so bad, to be used but them, beaten by them, clean their boots, server them. When i left and went to college, some of the money that i saved i bought my first leather jeans and jacket that Christmas out of a bike mag. Now i knew what i wanted but no one to share it with. i discovered the teletex and the chat lines, and i discovered your site after a how to use the internet lesson at college. i now know what i am, a dogslave, all these feeling that i have are all there in fornt of me just like everyone else here. i now have a chance to realise what i am and find an Owner to will take care of me and keep me in check. i cannot thank you enough for all the work that you put in Sir.
01 Jun 1998
- hi, you are one SICK damn person, talking about being chained in leather.... ewwwww! i think (for thinking something nasty like that with the chains) that you all sould be chained to a chair and thrown in the water to drownd...pinehurst
01 Jun 1998
- I feel like I had made it to doggy heaven. I thought I was the only one that felt this way, all these k9 feelings
01 Jun 1998
- i was very impressed by your story. i could feel a new kind of freedom in dogslavery - but you also had a very good owner. not everydog is so lucky. i enyy you for your experience and wonder how your five years ended. .. Jorg
29 Jun 1998
- 1998 March
- First off, I have to jump up and lick your hand for producing The DogHouse. It's a great website for dogs and owners and fills a great need for many many men. Thank you very much.
WoofPup57 - 22 Mar 1998
- I just found your homepage on the net, and I really like it. I have had this fantasy for some time where I think of myself as a dog when I have sex. There are these pictures of people with dog tails on your page, I was wondering if you could tell me how to get one. I think if a had a tail it would make my dog experience even better. Thanks Sir Jack the dog
05 Mar 1998
- 1998 February
- ... oh, and your website is fantastic. There truely isn't anything else like it on the web. I've looked!
dave - 28 Feb 1998
- Sir, A really Kewl and HOT site!!! Hopefully I'll be able to find myself a good Owner/Trainer someday and also be able to compete in the dog show. Respectfully Submitted Sir, Sid
Sid - 27 Feb 1998
- 1997 November
- Thank you for the doghouse. I have had the desire of becoming a canine for about a year now but because of the many complexities of life have been unable to live my life on all fours. Maybe some day my dreams will become reality and I will be able to finally live my life as the true dogslave that I am serving a master on my hands and knees. Until then, thank you sir for providing me with the doghouse -- the next best thing to being a master's dogslave.
22 Nov 1997
- Sir, I read your homepage; that ist what I was longing for!
16 Nov 1997
- How ABSOLUTELY fantastic that there is a website dedicated to Becoming-Canine! I am ABSOLUTELY ecstatic! I am a Gothboy who loves to run around the clubs as a dog. As I dance, I get whipped up into such a froth of ecstasy that I lose my human identity and merge into the howls, the barks, the growls ... I crawl around on the dance floor beneath people's feet and nip at their legs, while they pet me, spank me, what have you.
07 Nov 1997
- 1997 June
- SIR: I am absolutely "blown away" with you web site. I love it and have desired all my life to live as a caged dog slave. i now am keen to visit any training camps that you are aware of. thank you SIR.
01 Jun 1997
- 1997 February
- Your homepage and The Doghouse have had quite an impact on me. I have recenlty been added to the Dogpound, and sent in some corrections, and I am learning more about my canine alter ego every day.
01 Feb 1997
- It has been a few weeks now since I have come upon your site. I have not been the same since. Something deeper in me is resonating and I am not quite sure what it is. I was very excited about the notion of having slaves. Very excited about training them and teaching them to do my bidding and dominating them, being strict with them and generally handling them with an iron fist. Rewarding them when they have been obedient and binding them and tying and gagging them for storage.
- 23 Feb 1997
- SIR; Thank you for creating and maintaining this site, SIR. i feel very fortunate that i crawled across it SIR.
01 Feb 1997
- 1997 January
- This site is the best I've seen on the web. I've checked out the pages of other alot (they're great), but I've gotten more info and enjoyment (not to mention a few erections) from your site! Keep it up!
01 Jan 1997
- Enjoyed your homepage. While I'm a big fan of BDSM I do enjoy the scenes you are talking about in your homepage. If you have been to Inferno in the States you've probably seen me in the "equestrian" mode (very fun). These days it's about the only time I bottom. Probably this year I'll play top and lead a team... (Yumm!). The part I found particularly interesting was the dogslave part (bottom and top aspects), don't really see alot of that and folks don't always want to do that. (Love the picture, very interesting).
01 Jan 1997
- NICE site, SIR! thanks for publishing it.
01 Jan 1997
- Woof! Woof! Woof! Sir...thank you for the website, sir, I'm using a friend's computer and love your pic.
01 Jan 1997
- At the school we have internet and i see your great web site. I'll be very great to learn more about you and maybe become more friendly and talk about dog training.
01 Jan 1997
- 1996 November
- i just visited your web site - wow, great suff!!!!!!!!!
01 Nov 1996
- How frustrating.. your such a hot man/trainer and only one picture of you with a mandog on a leash. It amazes me how a man can take another and mold him until he has the same obedience and loyalty as a dog. The site of you in your training gear.. chaps and boots, EXACTLY like in the one photo i have looked at has put a real hunger to see more pics of you.
01 Nov 1996
- Sir, The site is really HOT and the idea of ending up with collar and a leash even more....Forced feeding and training until i like it, want it, need it - can this be done? can a guy be taken there?
01 Nov 1996
- SIR i do love your web page. My dogdick gets hard every time i'm here. You seem to be making good progress on updating. i wish there was some way i could help. i have had no luck finding Trainers or Owners out here in Southern California (go figure?) and i am eager for The Pound to be complete. Barring that, this dogboy would be eager to receive any training you might be able to give in your spare time, SIR, or if you already know of contacts here. Either way, this dogboy/slave/pig is grateful for the board and anything else is just gravy.
01 Nov 1996
- 1996 October
- This faggot fuckdog in heat is still exploring Your unique site. thank You so much for sending me there! i will definitely have to come back here, Sir, when i have more time on my paws.
01 Oct 1996
- I have been connected to the Internet for only one week but fortunately I have already located your home page which I think is great. I am sure you get hundreds of "fan letters" and therefore not much time to engage in any correspondence.
01 Oct 1996
- 1996 September
- Sir..i viewed what i could of Your site and tell You how inspirational You are, Sir. Your situation, Sir, is numbingly hot and i hope that one day i'd be of a calibre to be worthy of coming to Your service.
01 Sep 1996
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