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Search Engine Rankings

Ranked At #1

AOL are one of the worlds largest ISPs. This engine allows users to search AOL content. If no matches are found, results are backed up using the INKTOMI engine.

YaHoo! Possibly the most popular human compiled directory.

HotBot is a favourite among researchers due to its many power searching features.

1. Around 80% of internet users look for what they want by first visiting one of the top 8 search engines.  Everybody knows that even a few good positions on just one or two of the busiest engines can dramatically increase traffic to a site.

2. People hardly ever go past the top 30 search results and if your site appears in the top 10, you’ll get 85% more traffic than if it appears between 11 and 30.

For a long time The DogHouse has been resistant in having advertising on its web sites, as so often they come across as "Noise".  This was

 the case till I visited a site, where the Advertising was clearly targeted (seemingly at me personally!) - all of it was what I was interested in.  Therefore if it could happen to me, it could also be true for the visitors to The DogHouse.

The online gay market alone  market is currently considered to have 13 million users in Europe and the US, and this represents just one the core market for The Doghouse. Lesbians and gay men in the UK for example, are estimated to have an annual disposable income of £10b UKP from a salary base of £95 billion. Research shows that there is high spending on entertainment and holidays, with the majority of lesbians and gay men considering holidays to be an essential rather than luxury item.
Given this characteristic of one of the segments that the Doghouse reaches, you can see that many of the reader of this site have the disposable income that you are looking for.

Placing an Advertisement on the DogHouse web sites represents good value to.
You will get better returns and it  will be easier to  track the success of your advertisement than with any other media.


Why Advertise on The DogHouse ?  ^


Voted #1
For providing the best service to the Leather/BDSM community, it surely suggest that there is a level of interest out there, and a reason for repeat visitors to the site, so much so that many check in each day.
Following the high praise from the feedback that visitors give, typical comments include "Just wait till I tell my friends about this site...".

Web Market First.
"... the Internet has been a blessing to gays and lesbians who want privacy -- and a boon to advertisers trying to reach them. So when American Airlines recently decided to advertise on Internet portal Gay.com instead of in Out or any other offline gay medium, it said something about the effectiveness of the Net in speaking to a sought-after group of consumers that has been notoriously difficult for advertisers to reach."
-- Fortune 8/14/00

Most likely to be online:
Early adopters -- three times more likely to be online in 1997. Today, 81 percent use the Internet more than once a day and more than half spend up to three hours a day online.


DogHouse Direct ^

You May have visited DogHouse Direct, the section that matches Suppliers to Customers and you may feel that you have goods or services that would fit in with our Membership. If you want to be listed you please contact me directly, referring to the page's where you feel your goods/services would be suited. The suppliers page was a list of vendors that I have had experience of, which is different from a shopping mall that DogHouse Direct is able to provide.

Any Questions? ^

If you have any questions regarding advertising please contact us (Advertising) by email.

An  Original site Last changed on:  04 Sep 2002 19:32 +0100

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