
Cost of Membership

The club is a non-profit organisation, but aims to cover costs.

Membership is available in a number of categories.

Basic membership is free to join.

The other levels of membership are as follows
To this end online costs are kept to a minimum, but the publication of the Newsletter is posted to members, which also includes adverts from non-online members, as well as articles not found on the site, features and so on.

The membership costs in the EEC are fixed on a lower rate due to the uniform cost of postage, there is a higher rate for those outside. The USA have a payment method over there so that it is easier to manage for the domestic US continent.

The mailing addresses is as follows.

This is 10 UK Pounds made payable to The Doghouse in the UK
This is 15 UK Pounds made payable to The Doghouse in the UK
USA and outside EEC
This is 30 US Dollars, made payable to The Doghouse in the USA
Universal Currency Converter
This site can help you convert between US/UK Currencies and your own.

Last changed 04/03/2002 22:34 -0000


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