Your Best Customer
Buying Power
Detailed Statistics

Real Spending Power
Educated and Affluent
Extreme brand loyal
Our Reach



What you need to know
Your Gay and Lesbian Customers

Serious spending power

Gay and lesbian consumer buying power in the United States


"The gay market is particularly attractive because of the relatively high levels of disposable income among couples. -- Financial Times 9/12/00

Here's the money -- Gay and lesbian customers (Modalis and Greenfield Online)

  • Over twice as likely as national index to be professionals/managers
  • 65 percent identify themselves as having to have the "latest"
  • 77 percent "believe in indulging in themselves"
  • 57 percent "prefer to buy top of the line"

Educated and well-off

  • Twice as likely to have household income over $60K
  • Twice as likely to have household income over $250K
  • Twice as likely to have graduated from college
  • Four times as likely to spend over $150 on long distance monthly


Extremely brand loyal

  • A recent study showed that the demographic is 87 percent brand-affiliated, meaning most likely or highly likely to actively seek out a brand that had advertised in the gay and lesbian media. (Simmons)
  • 63 percent of gay and lesbian customers said they are willing to pay more for products from companies that are gay- and lesbian-friendly. (Greenfield Online, 2000)
You're not reaching them well on "Friends" or in Vanity Fair

Reach directly.
Research shows gay and lesbian customers uniquely value advertisers who speak directly to them.
They are profoundly aware of an advertiser's presence in gay and lesbian media.

Reach broadly.
When it comes to reaching this demographic, the Web opens the closet door and allows access to gay consumers in volume for the first time.  Offline, we offer access to customers through our print media, local event partnerships and other programs that tap into our unprecedented reach online.

Reach deep.
In addition, this site have access to some special interest groups that are serious about their passions, and are prepared to pay for quality. When it comes to reaching this demographic, this site is uniquely placed in addressing this audience.

Reach in good company.
Join fortune 500 companies like American Airlines, Viacom, Procter & Gamble, BMG Entertainment, GM, Merck, US Airways, Chase and IBM, which target their best customers directly.

An  Original site Last changed on:  31 May 2002 13:34 +0100