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These are the Personal adverts for the Doghouse
This page is your first step in finding a Master Trainer or that special Slave. When you join please allow a few days for the application to be processed.

 »Adverts are republished  manually each  Sunday and updated via automation at 20:00 GMT daily.«

The current membership of over 8000 members with the current ratio of Masters to slaves of 1:2
Use "send My Info" to recover your logon/password and all other details about you using your registered email address, the same one that will be sent the info.
The adverts are published in the  following subsections:

  • The Slave Register -
    This is for members who have publicly been registered as a slave (by their owner). It is also probable that they have been tattooed or branded by this number.
    This requires that you put as your home page your slave register URL eg

  • Heterosexual BDSM Ads
    These have been broken down into smaller pages, for Masters, Mistress' and slaves.
    Heterosexual - All
    There are many non-Gay people discovering SM Dog Training, and this is the page for them. When they join they specify that they are not gay (Heterosexual, Bisexual etc) and this places them here.
  • Adverts Site Map
    This is the first overview of the main areas in the dog pound from States on the left to slaves on the right.

  • Time Zone: Master and slaves
    The first grouping divides all adverts into time zones, as this also implies regions, and is marked by their offset from GMT and the principle city.
    For example UK-Europe in London+0/Paris+1/Cairo+2 where as Pacific time is marked by the principle city in that area LA
  • City Centres
    Many members choose to live in large cities, like London, LA, NYC and their surrounding area. This page allows you to make contact with people in those city boundaries.
  • Top Boys and Slave Youth
    Meeting place for those under 20 years old. Although sexual freedom in some countries  is legal at aged 14,16,18 or 21 - in some countries having sex with someone under these ages is considered as  rape and/or  you could be branded a paedophile.
    It is your responsibility to ensure that you are complying with the laws of the country in which you are living.
  • Pig Boys
    This section is for slaves and Masters who identify as PIGs.
    Pigs share many qualities with dogs, but can also be  into such activities as dirty sex,  Fisting etc both of which are butt obsessed.
    Bandanna: red/yellow/brown.
  • Language : such as German, French ...
    Many of our members do not have English as their first language, so it is possible to group adverts by either local or language. The first one, German includes those that speak German and that live in a German speaking country, others to follow.
  • Skinheads
    Skinheads seem to be naturals for SM Dog Training, so for those who identify this as part of their social culture these  adverts are placed here.
    New Look : skin-ads
  • Photo Adverts
    Many members include photos of them selves. This page covers all the time zones and is a list of all those who have supplied a photo. Where photos are included the page will take time to load.
  • Transgender & Transvestite
    This section covers Transsexuals, Transvestites and sissyslut types.
    Eventually, there  will separation of  Transgender and sissfification of a slave to the lowest form so that it (the slave) may worship its superior.
    This is just a different kind of slave, far more suited to humiliation than a rubber pig boy perhaps. It might also be that a sissydog is being treated like a disgusting dog because it is so inferior, where as a leather pup finds no humiliation being the mutt that he is.

Due to the size of the membership some pages might take a while to load and is best viewed with MSIE5 ore higher, however you should be able to browse the page using WebTV and other Internet Interfaces. You can also use a 'lite' browser will such as firefox which will speed up down loads.
Please read the details about changing your advert.

2010-03-19 19:51 -0000

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