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You appear to be using a down level browser. This site recommends using MSIE which is available from: 
Microsoft Internet Explorer

Microsoft, in line with its aim of becoming indispensable to everything online, has announced it is to increase its R&D spending by 16% this year.
The company aims to dominate the internet  economy through a multitude of products and
services under the Microsoft.NET umbrella.
(Source: The Daily Telegraph, UK, 28/7/00)

Love it or hate it over 90% of the worlds domestic computers are running a version of the Windows operating system. As much as I dislike world monopolies MSie (with a MTBF of less than 10hrs) is a feature rich browser. More things work in it than under flavours of Netscape yet Firefox is much improved.
Recent examination of the visitors to all of the DogHouse sites show 79% of all browsers touching these sites are MSIE Browsers.
Of the MSIE browsers 89% of them are at Version 5.x

This is one reason what this site is functionally rich for Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x and above Browsers.
This site uses uses Style Sheets and attempts to accommodate WEBtv (netscape v3) and other older technologies. If you have the ability to upgrade then please do so.
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