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 What it is, and what its is not
The High The Rush Elevated Sexual response. Multiple Orgasms DeSpunking
| Is taken to mean extended stimulation to a consenting party (i.e. pissed off when you stop), at some level it is what every slave craves and expects from his Master. Not what agents of the government do to members of the public without their consent. See Caveat One of the many skills of SM is the deep knowledge of how the body works and how to use that knowledge for greater sexual gratification - because of this SM is also known as Sexual Magic. The Context discussed here uses the word "Torture" to mean extended stimulation, and nothing that is consider unlawful by the Mind Police in your locale that hope to control your behaviour to make you 'just like them', and not a unique individual - which of course is dangerous. | Curious. I believe you punish me when I do not think the way you do, when I am not becoming more like you. You claim you respect my individuality and yet your are frightened by it. Seven of 9. |
| | What is NOT | | |  In the crudest sense. It is extended stimulation that you consent to, that you may otherwise resist (so have to be restrained). It ranges from tickle torture, tit play, milking close to orgasm, again and again until you are desperate to cum. Stuff that you would do to yourself - but your lack of self control would mean that it would be short lived.
Net Value: You want more | Torture that the UK and US governments sponsor as they sell torture equipment to other governments to use against the population there. Until recently the UK was one of this biggest exporters of this kind of "armourment". It therefore seems a little hypocritical that these same governments have the nerve to interfere with consenting SM, as they sponsor unconsenting actual torture in other countries. | |  Torture is not a crime in America Tasers are supposed to be the last response before lethal action, however, police now use them as if they are batons or pepper spray or for fun. In 2007 over 300 people have died in admitted cases in the US alone from being Tased. In the last week alone three separate stories of Taser deaths. Every week their are stories on the Internet that feature old women, children and disabled people as the victims - one such victim was Tasered accidently 19 times by a police officer/master! It is important to know how to avoid police confrontation. A good attitude is important. rss | |  What it is not is being held against your will, and acts applied to you against your will. By hostiles that may or may not have the authority of the government behind them. This ranges from 'over zealous' cops who get away with murder 'whilst in police custody' through to 'gangland' Mafia killings.
Net Value: You want escape and have no more | | |  Extended stimulation of erogenous zones Here are some goals that can be reached.- Keytone release.
- Adrenaline rush.
- Elevated Sexual response.
| | |  The Mind Police in some Muslim (the most tolerant of all religions - not) countries, enjoy public beating, executions etc. Here there can be the same rush, but with a different outcome. | |  What it is not is when your limits have been grossly violated, where your agreed safety escape word has been ignored, and the 'Top' is going ahead meeting his own gratification. This is where you wellbeing is being violated. Pushing limits is one thing, exceeding your mutually agreed limits is another. These 'Tops' are normally posted as "Dangerous Tops" and the submissive has failed charges. Not as in the UK, have charges filed against both the assailant and the victim ('...the slave was obviously insane...').Net Value: You want escape and have no more | |  Government The UK government, in its famous "Operation Spanner Trial" has outlawed 'SM', where love bites/hickeys are effectively a violation of the other person - bodily trespass. Where both parties are prosecuted. This archaic law to stop medieval insurance fraud, is now used to constrain sexual expression. It is left up to court opinion. It is part of the many UK hypocrisies, the law makers do it in private, but publicly pander to the media. http://www.queernet.org/ deviant/ssethics.htm#Consent#Government Sponsored Torture | Keytone release. When your body is trying to cope with something, extended stimulation or pain you body will release chemicals that help you cope with this, the result of this is quite trippy and enhances sexual fulfilment. It can be like having had a sexual orgasm in its own right | | | Adrenaline rush. This comes with the anticipation or the unknown, or that beating, the "Oh my God, its really gonna happen now". That is a prelude to either the Keytone or the sexual elevation - neat if it is both, but they rarely happen at the same time. | |  The Mind Police in general are embarrassed about their own sexuality, and even more so with anything different to their own because they feel uncomfortable with the subject they avoid it. They avoid the pain and fear of dealing with what they feel uncomfortable with by persecuting that which they do not understand. They problem is with them not that which they observe, they hide their insecurity with persecution - this pretence allows them to avoid facing the their problem. In more enlightened societies self knowledge and inner security result in less intolerance. | Elevated Sexual response. This comes when you continuously elevate your slaves sexual tension, typically keeping him horny for hours, so if he was able he would have shot his loads ages ago, but you are there to stop him. The most common example of this is in bondage where you have tied him down and given him non-excessive stimulation for hours. Milking him close to orgasm, maybe letting him shoot only the first spurt (a skill to that). You may have had him all day in his fetish gear, getting him good and horny, maybe locked away in his chastity shorts, with a comfortable butt-plug up there. Has to be a comfortable, sustainable stimulation, not something you can tire of or get sore from. Soreness moves into the Keytone area. This approach can be applied to women, but orgasm is different, men do not have multiple cum-orgasms, though can have many 'body' orgasm which are similar to what women experience | | | Multiple Orgasms This approach can be applied to women, but orgasm is different, men do not have multiple cum-orgasms in the same way. Though can have many 'body' orgasm which are similar to what women experience. This is usually from Fisting or Fucking when the that strange warms comes over you, the tingling starts, and the shudders, the loss of control , the way you become 'wrapped up' in the experience. It is nice to have the slave fully secured in effective bondage, with total control so that he is there to experience it all. With fisting and some other techniques the slave can shoot his load without touching his cock. You would have needed to elevate him sexually first, and we are not talking quickly sexual scenes - serious SM scene last for many hours, unlike your average heterosexual vanilla sex. One example of a female slave that I liked what where she was kept in a rubber lined mail sack, suitable cuffed inside, every hour the side of the sack was zipped open, and she was stimulated to orgasm, and then it was zipped back up ready for the next time. The male equivalent of this where is is secured in a sleep sack and is wanked close to orgasm, ready for more use later or for despunking. | | | Despunking This is where you force wank off the slave over a number of hours to exhaust the content of his balls. This is a common activity for when your slave is to sexually hyper (to much for the Owner to match). Commonly the slave is taken to another Master (loaned out), and this Master will forced wank the slave, over and over again till the final orgasms hurt. The slave is left well and truly drained, and no longer 'pesters' his Owner or others to satisfy his sexual needs. This state is often referred to as "Sexed-out", it also occurs after a prolonged weekend of debauchery, when the last thing on you mind after that is sex, and possibly the first thing is a hot bath and bed! | | These are just observations with in the current behaviour of the US government. Politicians are all the same and might behave differently is there was no 'perks of the job' and being President was poorly paid. But you have to vote for someone! | Government Sponsored Torture The use of a sealed off Gas Mask is one of the most effective techniques used by the South African 'police' when interviewing a suspect. It took the form of being tied to a chair with your hands secured behind you. The gas mask is then put on you but the inlet is sealed up. Basically you then tell your interviewer what he wants to hear (the usual failure with torture) or he lets you suffocate. You can see him and he can see you. You can taunt him during his plight. He will just say "tell me what I want to hear and YOU can put an end to YOUR suffering" - so it is obviously not the torturers fault that the victim suffers. Professionally trained torturers tend to use simple equipment - like a bowl of water or a gas Mask is easy to use in a hotel bed room. Where as people in the room next door might notice a chain saw being used. You should not be deluded that your Government is above that sort of thing - they can always justify it, they just don't get caught. Any excuse can be used such as the 911/Twin Towers culture of fear, yet they were doing that way before then. For the Government it is just a job where as others get a sadistic pleasure out of it - that is fine if there is consent (its horrible if your Master is not really interested in the slave). Sadly the US Government have training schools for this and possibly yours. The Uk Government is the second supplier to the US of torture equipment in the world. It can be given all kinds of names - like counter terrorism techniques. But when you have a circumstance in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba when the detainees are likely to end up insane before they stand trail, or have been shipped out to US Operations over sea beyond the real of the US legal system. When you have Dick Cheney saying there the level of suicides at Guantanamo Bay have dropped from 2 a day to zero because you reclassify "suicide" as "Political Protest" - then you know how your Government respects you. We just have to get used to the reclassification of 'Truth' :) | | 20:00 Monday 27th Oct 08 Jolyon Jenkins speaks to former torturers from different countries about the process of crossing the line...For God and Country | 
- Stress Positions
- Motivation to comply
- Environment Modification - hypothermia and death metal
- Torture Checklists
- Trained to Torture
- Humanity Deconstruction
- The Revenge of the Tortured
- Make him Confess to anything
- Lack of Responsibility, immunity from your actions
- 18yo Surrogate Torturer following orders making a good impression
- Projecting the event into a fantasy - another day at the office
- The currency of truth is pain
- The fear of the escalation, every time you touch him it gets worse.
- A car battery, jump leads and your testicles
- Spread-eagled and filleted
- Crucified and bleeding - a little cut here and little cut there, hour after hour
- You can get used to anything even having your fingernails pulled out
- Making sure your victim understands that you have the ability to absolutely destroy him - Show compassion and you have failed because he knows he can withstand anything you do to him
- The victim is not like us, he is not human.
Torture - Justify or Deign - The Torturer is now trapped in a cycle of escalation what is the next boundary of unacceptable behaviour to whom? When you sleep the tables are turned? What's that knock at the door? Panic attacks in the dark.
Adjustment Disorders in the USMC. - 60% of the population are prepared to inflict lethal electric shocks on a stranger
| | | 21 Apr 2010 13:30 +0100 | |