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Dog Think
Care & Training

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Welcome to the DogHouse, ORIGINAL SM Gay web site of the subject of the human animal.

You make have noticed a recent upsurge of 'me also sites', with content that looks very familiar to the established  content of this reference site. In time these site will develop and find their own place, developing their own specialism without having the need to copy this site -it is a bit disappointing that such sites even copy the colour scheme!

The Navigation of this site is constantly being reviewed to allow it to deal with its vast content, over 50mb on one site alone. To help with the navigation you can always look at the Table of Content (same as 'Contents' as the bottom of every page) that addresses the top level pages, and the Site Maps (same as the infinity button at the top of every page).


Below are some section headings that might help you get a broad feel for the site and where to start browsing. You will not find a my pictures/gallery pages (uses up too much space) on this site, however I have set up another site for that.

High level navigation of site sections


Foundation ^ map
This address the basic principles. Covering Reponciblities, Types of slave, types of dogs and so on as well as advice, contracts, profiles, and much more.

Accessories, Kit,Gear ^
This covers all the things that people into SM DogTraining might find real useful. From Dog Dishes to Paws, Leash to Cage and much more. Not only do we show you it, discuss it, show you how to use it and where to buy it.
DogThink ^
What is it to be a Dogslave, how to be a better one the total mind set.
The Care and Training of the Male Slave ^
This is a weighty section, more than just dog names or boot training, but ties in all the other sections. It coverts advanced topics such a hypno training through to behaviour modification and total control through to being a better slave physically and mentally; let alone the lighter subjects such as toilet and chastity training.
Personal Adverts ^
This section covers personal adverts, for Masters and slaves it covers the joining page,  how to change your advert, but also allows you to locate more of what you are looking for Skinheads Masters or what about German slaves and so on.
Stories ^
Stories are good, they are horny but they also describe a possible reality that you could realise.
Covers all sorts. All the Safe and  Sane questions. The 'How to' guides News, Press and reviews (one type of dog food versa another, different toys etc) and much more
Links ^
These links pages cover additional information from clubs


In Progress ^
This represents work in progress. It is possible that I may have send a finished page back to the doghouse, but there is a dependency page linked that is in the in progress area. If you encounter such a link then please contact me to hurry me a long and get that one published.
The site is normally published as differentials, with full syncronisations occurring only when necessary.
More to follow...............

01 Aug 2004 15:24:20 +0100

The Doghouse...The original website for male SM DogTraining