Now and again I get emails like:Hi Sir...Thanks again for a GREAT website....lots of good things in here to learn about. I am a young submissive bi-male who does quite a bit of travel on the road.. all New England states and the mid-west. Are there any folks that run "kennels" where I could be put up for the night or several nights? It could be an actual dog kennel (real dogs)...with a few cages set aside for folks like me. Have you heard of anything like this? Or any folks that you know or trust to take in a willing and clean dog like myself for an evening?.. Thanks in advance, any help would be great. Take care Sir ...slave
So there sure seems to be a strong demand for people wanting to go some place and live their fantasy to the full. This suits people who do not have or want a 24/7 Master/slave life style. I can understand for some Tops as well wanting to get their fix as a sub now and again. Few people are 100% Top or 100% slave so it is nice to have a change now and again. The purpose of this page is to allow Commercial (or otherwise) kennels to be advertised, where Slaves can go visit for a period of animal behaviour therapy, to they can get in touch with their K9 selves, or have their training developed. If you know of a Kennel that you can recommended, or want yours listed here then please get in contact. Likewise if there are slaves willing to host a Master on his visit to you city eg from the UK to USA etc, then let me know. |