21 Apr 2010 12:53:48 +0100 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Dec (6 changes) ^
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
- Simplified the footer navigation.
24/7 Slavery - added additional content.
- Woof! Chatrooms - locked.
- Simplified sign up process.
- Content review.
- Server revamp and maintenance to
improve availability.
- DogHouse Radio -
http://radio.thedoghouse.org/ [In Test]
Something to listen when your lock in that cage all alone.
Aug (2 changes)
- Added more content to the Flash movies.
- Fixed a bug for the 'Create Logon from Advert'
This is where you would have used the email address from your
existing advert to create your account. For some people who did not
fill in the joining form correctly that data was used to create
their logon, without the possibility to correct their mistakes.
June/July (10 changes)
- WOOF! - After the effort of creating
something that was not used, I lost interest in maintaining it
Since then there is a lot of interest in it, such is life.
The passwords are now resynchronised. If you do a SEND MY INFO from
the front page it will include re-synchronization of your password
with other systems.
Like other DogHouse applications, a 'valid user' is deemed to have a
valid and functional email address. So when you abandon your email
account your doghouse account will be deleted unless you do
something about it.
UK Internet Law is closing Chatrooms,
WebcamChat - due to child abuse risk from adults posing as children.
An Alternative is being investigated.
Doghouse Shop
With more stuff to follow this had to be a bit more flexible than
selling just 4 things. Now there is more to choose from.
Activate My Account
Fixed bugs giving you longer to activate your account.
Delete My Account
Deletes your logon and profile. If you have created a Advert via
JOINING then you will need to email in a request.
- Page Logon
- The green
logon bar at the top of the screen now can save your logon details
(remember me).
- These adverts have been split down into Masters/Mistress' and
Slave Registered
- These are publicly owned slaves
Flash movies
- Subscriber user guides. Flash/shockwave plug-ins required.

HOT EDIT - make quick changes to your advert
Tour Guides
-This will help you find your away around with some suggested tour
& logon - The
logon process can now store a cookie on your PC to reduce the logon
time - if you share a PC do not use this feature.
May (4 changes) ^
Members Logon Bar
This had a bug in it which mean that some
subscribers could not access the pictures. If you are using MSIE
the images are changed as soon as you logon, if you are using
Netscape based browsers such as FireFox you have to navigate to
a new link/page to see the pictures as previously.
- Cookies & logon
The green logon bar at the top of the screen now can save your logon
It also updates the page you are on so you done need to press F5
or see the pictures from the next link onwards.
Inter-page Security

Both www.thedoghouse.org
and thedoghouse.org
and portal.thedoghouse.org
are seen as one site when viewing pages as a subscriber.
Previously the WWW url was just for non-subscribers.
On Going Changes
- What the future holds.
Apr ( 5 changes)
- These adverts have been split down into Masters/Mistress' and slaves.
This is not because this is moving from being mainly a gay male site
but because this page was getting too big to load in browsers.
What this means now that is you are a female pup looking for a male
Master or a Mistress looking for a male slave you need to ensure
that your profile captures that you are Male or Female.
Slave Registered
These are publicly owned slaves. These slaves typically have a
tattoo of their number or barcode on their body and it is publicised
here for the world to see. On these page it is clearly stated who
there owner is, where as on the doghouse it just says that they are
Flash movies - Subscriber
user guides. Flash/shockwave plug-ins required.

Tour Guides
-This will help you find your away around with some suggested tour guides.

Too many things to mention.
Mar ( 5 changes)
- Public Tattoos
for slaves

- Status Humiliation

- Racial Humiliation

- Humiliation and Degradation

- Get Collared

feb ( 5 changes) ^ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec - Stages of coming out
- contented added and developed. Small Town Boy - from small town boy into proud gay slaveOffice Dog - The 24/7 of being a slave, having a job, going to the gym and being who you are!Proud Slaves - more about out being ok as an out slaveDog Speak - Useful phrase book for learning 'dog'jan ( 6 changes) ^ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec - Welcome to the Profile Centre. Take control of your profile, your advert placement.
- You will notice that at the top of the pages there will be a green logon bar - this will also form part of your control panel so that you stay it touch with all the other members. Once you logon you can access your profile centre and begin to feel at home in the doghouse.
- Set up automation to delete accounts with Bad Emails ('Email Box is invalid' or other 550 error) in the user logon area for non-subscribers.
- Improved instant access for pay pal payments.
- Added more into the China region adverts.
What's new in 2005 The fundamental changes that are under way are: - Innovation - The site is becoming ever more data driven and real time which means moving human intervention for publishing to logon and take control. This is not a big step, but moving over a 1000 pages into a common format and an integrated content management system takes some time. With investment in leading Microsoft technology the technical architecture of the site allow for significant growth and fault tolerance.
If the site did not matter that I could have used PHP and MySQL on the cheapest Linux server - all of that technology is free right!. So why is it that your bank, the news networks, ebay and the military dont use it? Going down the route of being a Microsoft partner and taking the best advice we believe that we can deliver more choice, quality and value. - Choice - When the system comes under load - it is those that have not subscribed that will be locked out and the optimum performance is guaranteed for the subscribers. This also means that there is no accidental access to pictures or X-rated content by minors. If you had a choice and you needed surgery would you get your mate to do it or a surgeon?
- Quality - The feedback I have got from the members is that this site is special and unique - though much copied there is still something special about belonging to this K9 community.
So as a subscriber you get the best performance possible, access to more features, performance with the highest priority because you are worth it. That might sound trite but I look at it this way: I really enjoy my coffee, I know that the coffee beans for a cup of coffee don't cost $5 a cup and the growers sure don't get that! But if I go to Starbucks and have a fantastic coffee, with the best service and I love it so much and can chat to my friends at the same time over a WiFi network, then it is different to having a free coffee that you can see through at some diner. If this what the doghouse represents is of value to you then its worth having the best, otherwise anything will do. Being a subscriber are investing in quality, innovation and are part of something.
more... - Value - There are members that are still students or do not VISA cards or bank accounts and so on.
I have tried to cover diverse payment options and discount for students. There are of course people who want everything for free; since there is no such thing as a free lunch, the site is either paid for out of someone Marketing Budget or its just a hobby. There is no further content development on the old static site of some 1000 pages. The adverts remain free.