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They should be proud, such skills are rare indeed, and you can imagine how proud the Master feels when he see how well his dog has done ("That's my slave that is..."), then the reward as the Master says "Good boy" to the slave, praise from Master is indeed special, like a glowing wave rushing over you.

Similarly, for a slave having his Masters dog tag and chain collar padlocked around his neck - it is a positive moment of pride, shaking his neck to hear the tag  jangle against the padlock, he feels positively naked with out it (as he does with other symbols of his slavery) - until the context changes and and is mothers asks "what's that around your neck son?"
What of the Jewish or black slave who wants to be Owned and abused by a White Power kkk/Skinhead (and there are plenty), he has the battle against  Political Correctness which is denying him fulfilment - Political Correctness was designed for the social-workplace, and was not meant to cross-context, and for sure  have the SM context in mind.

So within context humiliation scenes are just not humiliating to the subject, whereas the voyeur wanking off enjoys believing them to be which is their fantasy, where some dogslave is 'forced' to lick the shit out of some skins ass as the skin holds the dogs chain securely - the slave would not have it any other way, in fact that slave would mostly likely consider the Master as fake and the experience as truly humiliating if the Master did not do his job properly.

Whilst in normal SM/Perv play space the SM player just operates with in the one context, never breaching the context of the SM Playrooms, a Master requires that the slave be consistent through out all contexts, not just in the bedroom, sauna or club - but in public or wider social groups.

An  Original site Last changed on: 21 Apr 2010 13:29:51 +0100