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 A Dogs Life


Life Style
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* Dogs Life
* Living the
Dog Life Style


Notes about Images on this pageStories
Notes about Images on this pageDog boy
Notes about Images on this pageSpike
Notes about Images on this pageKia - My 5 Yrs as a dog


So what of practical life style?

This all depends if you are looking for a 24/7, of that 24/7 what is he, to what degree a slave, a dog or human ? There is no issue of is he to be let out the house or is he to be kind of SM Lover ?

Using the most typical (and enduring) an SM love who is a dogslave.
Between some of the emails, letters and Stories that I have received over the years, you can build up an image of "
Living the Life Style". This gives you an idea, an approach. However you have to discover what works for you.

It is one thing doing stuff in private, and being out on the scene as a obvious dogslave. Below are some aspects that relate to being an 'out slave', in the section living the life style it addresses what it is to move towards the 24/7/365 slavery.  


Confidence ^

However as with all permanent markings, a slave needs inner strength to wear such symbols all the time.  If he feels insecure he may have a problem with this. However if he is a 'punk' type or has an  exhibitionist streak then he would go for this one, the more 'in your face' about it,  the better
From an inner strength point of view, this can be drawn from various sources, typically drawn from his Master (the centre of his universe and his bed rock!) or from a well defined inner confidence which can be developed.

There are many approaches when a Master can build up his dog.

Character ^

This tends to be fine when you have an alter-ego (your role as dog -  when you are "getting into character") that you switch into. It is less adequate when you have fully integrated your doggy self into your human self.

Fitness  ^
This helps with the ability to perform, and will enhance the dogs confidence in public.
The gay scene is very body conscious, and sadly more than a little bitchy (something wrong with their own self worth - if you need to put down others to feel good...)
Any Master would want his dog to feel good, to look good.
If the slave is not tied to working and has free time get him in a gym - if he is working in a hectic and stressful job, make time and force him into a gym.

This does not mean that it is ok for a Master to turn into a slob, is the slave looks good, comparisons can be made between you (what is that hot slave doing with him...)

It is no bad thing for the Master to go to the gym with the slave, as the Master can really motivate the slave to perform well there, forcing the extra rep when required. The slave will feel good for performing well for the Master.
However the slave needs to give some careful thought on how he is going to get his Master to do the same.  All masters are self disciplined and self motivated - Yeah right !

An  Original site Last changed on:  25 Jan 2019 19:33 -0000