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"I am new to the whole Dom/Sub equation, I have a slave that wants to be humiliated and degraded in a racial manner...
what can I do?"

How interesting it would be if your slave claimed that his Master racially abused him and you were imprisoned because of it, the law does not take into account that this is what the slave needs.

But to answer your question. I will answer it from the perspective of a white female mistress (aka Master) and a black slave. It can also have black master and white female slave - but you pick up on the differences and exaggerate the social stereotypes.

For further research look up issues about "the racial divide" and "Race Discrimination" if you look at anti-discrimination laws/activities, you can get examples from people who are sensitive to that perspective. It is like asking a 'black, lesbian, single parent mother who is on social security and living in a Trailer Park" what bugs her - and even me using those emotive key words conjures stereotypes.

Basis of Racism

As a generalization is is born from insecurity.
You have a problem with people different to you if it is race (not us) we call it xenophobia (based on the Greek word for "foreigner", "stranger"). Add to this is your lack of understanding the "strangers", the outsiders you apply stereotypes to them to compartmentalize them to fit into your framework of the world.  Then building on this insecurity/ignorance you justify your position but reinforcement and entrenchment to give yourself security. 
Its not really fair to target race alone as it is true of homophobia islamiphobia and Christian Phobia if you are in Saudi Arabia perhaps - all you need is a history (eg The Crucades).

You might call into question why a slave wants racial humiliation/abuse but there is a sense of security to be gained from it, where as other feel it is abuse and feel very insecure.


The Elevation

First off your slave needs the  'fact' that his Master is superior to him and is therefore you are already placed on a god like pedestal, by virtue of having been selected by him.
You would say as a 'black nigger 'that he is no better than an animal and so treat him as such (see issues on dog training & toilet training).
Claim that he is dirty and was him down with a garden hose in the back yard.
If he has a cock that you want to use, you can take the piss out of its size and how useless he is at fucking and how he will get beaten if he under performs, you can say that you could do a better job of it. This is where you tie him dowm and get a strap on fuck harness and fuck his butt - 'see that is how its done..."," that's a real fuck". I would also require him to lick the dildo clean - this will encourage his to keep is butt clean for next time, just in case.

In general you just have to racially abuse him - all the stuff you are not meant to do at work.
You have to be careful as it is meant to pep up your slave, what is not good is for it to fuck up his mind.

In general if his dick twitches then you are on good ground. If he goes out of submission into anger than you are on a sensitive area (and have broken the magic).

You can also use hypnosis/suggestion in your abuse of him to condition him. At one level this is just reinforcing his self image.
This goes on the notion that he was born to be a slave and he is damn luck that you would let him any where near you.

You can never be close to him, never love him - that means getting off and coming down from that oh so high pillar.
This can be a pressure on you as you cannot let your guard down. This can be a snag as many Masters adore their slaves but can never show it, this is different with a dog as we have an established pattern with dogs - "pets"

The slave must always address you as Master/Mistress, or Sir. Normally if you own him he calls you Master if you don't its Sir.

As for further humiliation, you can trick him into fulfilling the lowly stereotypes such as

  • he stinks cos you dont allow him to wash.
  • he is dirty cos you put laxatives in his food and locked on his jeans
  • he is dirty cos you make him drink your piss and do other toilet duties.
  • You should how perfectly white your skin is or that you have a wealthy tan that he is never able to obtain.
  • You continuously exaggerate the differences between you both.


Terms of abuseFag Trainer

These are varied and have a fashion element to them. For example Gays repossessed the word 'Queer' and that empowered them - such that if you refer to yourself as queer and used it with pride how can it be offensive and so you have disempowered the abuse by that word. However the ground is also moving like you can use the word gay (politically correct) but have a subtext of hostility/hatred which the target can pick up on.  This is common practice in some environments where you have signed up to the 'letter of the law' but not 'the sprit of the law'. Likewise why it can be hard to make good law and easy to make poor laws.

So you can have names like:

  • Nigger - Based on Nigeria I guess.
  • Blacks - cos that is their colour. This has little impact as you are just stating a fact, unless you imbued that fact with a subjective quality. Such as Well we 'all know' that when god created Adam and eve, he created Adam first (not good for mistresses), and Adam was white. Blacks are only apes anyhow and the White man was well civilised way before these apes came out the jungle. We carefully ignore the centuries of civilization the Chinese had when white man was still playing in the mud.
  • Pakies - This assumes that they are from Pakistan, because of the feeling between India and Pakistan (history&cashmere region). It would be offensive to call an Indian a pakie as they look down on the Pakistanis. India has a Cast System, and a large chunk of the lower cast where separated into Pakistan.  This makes the class system that used to exist in the UK pale as that was just based on money not judgement from God.
  • Honkies - This is where Blacks have their own racist terms for white people. You can have the same level of racist abuse from Blacks to whites in you go into an area where you are in a minority.
  • Spink/Whop - This I think are for Italians/Spanish. Not used in the UK, but in the USA where there were Italians/Spanish immigrant/foreigners entering YOUR community.
  • Navvy  - This was the term used used for an "In Land Navigator" or canal ditch digger. This job was so lowly its was commonly done by the Irish that came to work in the much richer England. There was a time when Paddy was also derogatory  for an Irishman. The pecking order changed when the first non-white people came to the UK for a better life (just as the Irish had done previously).
  • You will have come across terms that apply to outsiders entering your community with their foreign ways. Same with those that have less privilege, status or wealth than you.We all need someone at the bottom of the pile to make ourselves better. Its like the old Stevie Wonder joke - "I may be Blind but at least I am not Black"

So what do niggers eat?neither Fish nor Fowl

Well out in the bush they have no choice but to eat bugs out the ground - you can accuse him of that. But best feed him dog food, or cold table scraps from a bowl on the floor. Not baked beans otherwise you have to suffer real bad smells - ok if he sleeps outside.

His race are dirty!

You can say his has fleas/lice, so you will require him to slave his body, cock/balls ass - as well as chest and armpits.
Get all the flea infested hair off. Even inferring his is dirty by virtue of his race will further put him down. This happens on an inter race basis. Not really possible if you are both white, unless you can create false comparisons between his backward retarded country and your own. This used to happen in the the UK when we would put down people with their "continental ways" and was is the difference between eating Snails and slugs anyway! This view is also noticed in the USA where it is typical to have servants whose first language is Spanish and whose family may have crossed a border in the past. The insecurity here is that in the end the national language for America will be Spanish. Just like in England only the peasants spoke English and the aristocracy spoke French.
This is why there is a different name between Beef/Boeuf and Cow - since  the aristocrats had no idea what animal that came from and the peasants could not afford to eat it. Where as Salmon was common as dirt and the aristocrats would not eat it.

Traditional values

One good application of roles can be gained from the old black and white movies about slave plantations. This featured the clear distinctions on the white man and the black man. Likewise the while man (plantation owner) would often have a wife, a mistress so that would give you some idea of how the slaves were treated. Further there was a classic movie called ManDingo (1975) which had a scene it in where the master strung up the black stud naked by his ankles and started expertly using a leather whip on this slave. As he struggled his manhood became aroused - this is about the time that the mistress of the house came into the barn to see the disgusting sight of an erect black penis. In those days they did not have the chastity devices we have today.


Half Casts - "neither Fish nor Fowl"

With slaves of mixed race, you are in an interesting position. Some races such as the Japanese have a traditional view of not mixing bloodlines outside of their own race. This is different from a faith viewpoint like jews should only marry 'a good Jewish boy' this is the typical 'like us' xenophobia  stance. So with racial abuse to play on these.
In the case of a mixed race the blood lines are all over the place - so you can say "you are neither Fish nor Fowl" and taunt him on that fact. Some mixed race slaves look very attractive to a Master other mixes look less attractive.

Race Inversion

This same goes if you are black and his is white. Now if you are Asian and he is white, then to Asians whites stink of stale dairy products, where as curry consumers stink of curry - you can use these features. If you accuse him of stinking of curry and yet you are feeing him curry, then its your fault not his (humiliation), but you also undermine yourself by association (not good).

Same Race

This gets a little tricky as how can you be better than me as you are the same colour. This is where you get the White Power / Black Power supremacist to function. For a white slave boy having a white power/nazi skinhead for a Master is the personification of power



You job is to reinforced your status and his and he will be happy.
He has already put you on a pedestal - all you can do is fall off it or elevate it.

You only need to exaggerate the differences between you, then under pin them. He will assume you are better than him, fitter, stronger, smarter and so on. What you should never do is claim by your action that there is any equality between you. This is a real fast way of getting rid of a slave  - "you know what I would really like to do is for you to Top me..." Shortly after that bang of his heart hitting the floor is the back of the door as he leaves.

Note that guys that are 100% passive has different demands that guys that are versatile (50:50%). If you are 100% then anyone is top, if you are versatile they have to be more top than you ideally 100% active.

There are some slaves, who can swap roles, but still know you are the owner, these are rare and tend to be experienced  guys - your are there owner because you are special, you have something they aspire to, physically or mentally.

It is usual for guys that are well into Humiliation not to be into pain and vice versa. Moreover a slave has to see his humiliation - there is no point blindfolding him as 'nothing' is happening - where as a pain pig would get off on that as it would heighten sensation.

There are more articles to be written about:

  • Visual Stimulation
  • Sensory Stimulation
  • Auditory Stimulation - Verbal Abuse

At the end of the day the slave should love being owned, and every second of serving you - then you have done your job well.

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