Total Control


Verbal can be both positive and negative. It can
raise the slaves spirits up or crush them to the earth - This is just a a technique
chosen for your objective.
My preference is to positively motivate the
pup/slave - another slave might respond to terror. Studies show that you
have to find the right balance of the 'carrot and stick' approach. Terror is
replaced with 'a healthy respect'.
It might be hard to imagine that a slave would 'enjoy' genuine terror - like
when the fantasy is over then what? Are Terror and Trust compatible - is
that the same of being sure that this guy is gonna harm you intentually (not
through incompetence).

This is basically name calling, being verbally
abusive. Some Tops and slaves get off on it.
Typically calling guys "Trailer Park Trash", "Scum", "Filth", "Ass-Features",
"Shit-face", "Fag" (film actors guild) etc.
Often a the effect like physical abuse, and slaves gets off on his status being
- Verbal Humiliation
- Verbal Abuse
- Verbal dialog
Head Space Dialog

Self Talk
This gets closer to hypnotic suggestion, where
you use words and dialogs to conjure up images and feeling that the pup can
positively or negatively associate with. To my mind there this is an art in
itself as the Master is also taking ob the visual journey with his slave. Areas
to research would be story telling in the application of creative visualization,
Cabbalistic magic thorough to post hypnotic suggestion.
Making him feel good...