Total Control
| | Domination /'domi nation/Command, Control, arrogant or tyrannical influenceThis is when the Master is convinced he is a superior being, and the slave is low down in the food chain. It is very normal for slaves to be dominated, but do not think just because they are slaves into being dominated that they are automatically into Pain or SM. It may come as a nasty surprise, but many are not. They may give you all the "Sirs and Masters", they may spend ages down at your feet licking your boots, but you play with their tits a bit hard, slap their ass and their dicks goes soft and they run off home. Assuming that merely dominating a guy holds your interest beyond the first 10 minuets you might want to check his Limits and safe word before you play. You are the Master, the divine God, and that beautiful creature in front of you is kneeling there wanting you. Successful Domination is all about attitude, not just following so script like "lick my boots", it is something that is innate within you. There is a natural pecking order, where guys who are Versatile/Switches/TopDogs are dominant until someone comes along that is more dominant than they are, where are some guys are so submissive they have not a clue or inclination how to dominant. For some dominant guys, their time in the "School of hard knocks" has made then fighters for what they want. |
Successful dominants develop that obvious air of superiority - many men enhance their status with going to the gym, taking up Karate/fighting arts and other 'got to win' sports. They spend some time cultivating their image to support their inner expression that there is no one better than them.In this picture you can see the command and respect that the Masters have over the slave. Not only does the domination make the slave glow inside , it also makes the Master feel good. This is a Skill that any Top/Master really needs to cultivate. - In general once the Master has made a decision there is no going back, where as slaves are often indecisive.
- Know that you are better than the slave, that you are his Boss and directive him what to do - to the finest detail.