Guidance - Responding to requests for advice from your slave
- When a Master makes requests of the slave (non-mandatory) if you have no idea how to do it you may need to ask Master for advice.
Education - On any subject Master knows more about than the slave
- Master needs to be strict with the slave - just like a headmaster
Emotional support - Many slaves feel they are disappointing their Master when, in fact, they are not.
- Master must give positive reinforcement. The use of "Good boy" or a "head rub" when he has performed the correct behaviour will go a long way. Slaves crave Masters approval.
- Slaves can often go through periods of self-doubt (as Masters to I guess) , this is where the Master needs to be a coach and give the slave a pep-talk.
Confidence-building exercises - Assigning tasks that are only slightly harder than what you have succeeded at in the past.
This allows the slave to bulid on further success. Just like your boss does at work. What you must not do is give the slave a task beyond his ablity and watch as he meets it with abject failure, which further confirms his negative self image. Finding the tasks of the right level is not easy as plenty of slaves think they can do more than they actually can (their brain has a bigger hard-on that their body).
- The slave gradually givings more and more power over to the Master. This is best done in simple small stages. As with most trust building excersies, it is done with a 'throw away' experince first, like if it goes wrong, the slave has lost nothing. With each further experince the slaves commits and invests more trust, and the Master consistently honours the trust that the slave placed in him.
See sections on Credibility.
- He really wants to be in the postion where he can say "Do what the fuck you like with me". The slave will quickly reclaim this power when the trust is broken - God forbid that will happen, as once it is done, you might as well kiss him good bye.
- I have only know one case of this, and this was when I was with my Master, he did something (trying to hard in fact, plus a lack of experince that comes with youth), and it just broke. I had to act very quickly to recover the situation (and forgive him).
But the slave will ALWAYS have the fear in the back of his mind that IT is going to happen again. The ONLY way that I have found to deal with this is to accept the fear that it is going to happen again, to accept this. Once this is done you can carry on.
This is when you talk to your slave giving him possitive reinforcement, but also includes areas such as fixing bad thinking (previous bad programming). Techniques designed to remind the slave of its place - a Master can frequently ask you questions like
- who/what are you?
- who do you serve?
- who owns you boy?
- who is your master?
- what is your role in your relationship with me?
- what power have you given me?
Such things makes the slave own upto, and so be reminded of his status and place in the scheme of things.
- a Master can require a slave to demonstrate his subservience, e.g., by kneeling before him or nuzzling/licking the side of his mouth or drinking out of his cupped hand.
- The Master can also make use of Hypnotic suggestions to get deeper in the the dog brain - generallt the Master has a whole range of techniques at his disposal and he chooses the right tool for the right job.
Training - your Master will teach you what he wants you to do for him during the course of a day or week
- obedience training: your Master may test his your quick and unquestioning response to his orders and requests
Rules and guidelines - A Master creates and maintains a set of rules for your conduct. These rules spell out what she may and may not do or say. The rules are generally designed to increase the Master's comfort and to help you reach your potential as a human being and as his slave. For example, you may not be allowed to eat between meals. You may be required to have the house ready for inspection by a certain time every day or week.
- Each rule may be accompanied by an indication of its importance, which will be used to determine the severity of punishment when the rule is broken. Or each rule may be followed by a description of the punishment itself.
rewards: e.g., being allowed to do something that you enjoy but are not normally allowed to do punishment. Punishment
 - any penalty imposed on a submissive for misbehavior
- a technique used in discipline
- examples
- temporary suspension of a privilege
- temporary deprivation of a possession
- menial/tedious work assignments
- confinement/bondage
- chastisement, scolding
- corporal punishment
- If a submissive enjoys one of the above it can not be used as part of punishment. Punishment, when it is used correctly, produces two reactions in you: when it is over, you will see the punishment as proof that your Master cares about you and feels grateful, but while the punishment is in progress you will wish it were over.
- The role of pain, discomfort, bondage, humiliation, scolding, pursuit and capture, rough sex, etc. in a Master/slave relationship
- purpose and function
- what it is meant to do
- it's meant to remind the slave of the nature of your relationship with this Master
- make you feel your Master's power over you in the most direct way possible
- make you feel desired
- punish, if appropriate
- what it is not meant to do
- lower the slaves self-esteem
- cause lasting injury
- People in the D/s community use the word training to mean many different things.
- When I speak of training a slave I mean
- helping her to trust me
- instilling in her the habit of prompt unquestioning obedience
- teaching what she must do to please me
- explaining her duties and how to perform them
- explaining my rules and guidelines for her, and the consequences of breaking them
- teaching her how she must behave in different situations, public and private
- It is essential for a Master to be especially diligent in training a new slave. It is easier to instill good habits at the beginning of a relationship than later on. Existing habits must be broken quickly and thoroughly, and replaced with good habits.
- Since a Master's requirements for your behavior will change a little over time your training will never end, though if you try hard to be good it will never be as hard as at the beginning.
 - A Master creates a structure - limits - for the submissive - something she can push against, knowing that though it might give a bit it will not break. And that is very important to most slaves. Many slaves will (rebellion_n_testing.html) test the integrity of the structure from time to time, in order to reassure themselves that they cannot escape it.
- a good Master's discipline will give you a safe place into which to explore and enjoy your submissiveness and masculinity
- you want to be yourself, to be authentic; you are tired of pretending you are not a slave
- you are tired of disciplining yourself (or suffering the consequences when you don't - consequences which are usually inappropriate)
- once a slave feels safe enough you will no doubt begin testing the Master to see if he really will maintain the limits he has set for you - i.e., if he will control you and allow you to live the life you were intended for
- this testing will take the form of rebellion against the Master and his rules
- you will probably be very afraid that you will be tempted to let down your guard and be yourself, only to be neglected again (this is probably the pattern of your previous intimate relationships)
- for this reason a loving Master will establish a very tight structure for you right from the beginning of your relationship and will maintain consistent discipline as long as you need it
- The following is from a Master's personal ad:
- I don't want anyone for whom submission is easy all the time. I assume that you would have to struggle with yourself. I expect rebellion, especially at first. And I wouldn't want you to pretend to feel submissive when you didn't. Contrary, stubborn, rebellious, willful slaves turn me on, as long as I have control over them. They give me more opportunity to be controlling.
- Once you have surrendered your power over yourself to me you could relax. I wouldn't need - or want - you to try to make yourself submissive. That's my job. If I wanted you to do something you didn't want to do (and I didn't think it would be bad for you) I would make you do it, one way or another. I'd take away privileges, confine you, punish you until either you complied or I changed my mind - or you left me.
- The pleasure for me is in controlling a slave. And a slave who is alive and sane will from time to time feel rebellious. I wouldn't want you to hide that.