let's make a slave
adapted from: willie lynch the origin and development of a social being called "the slave" most recently appeared on the anstalt website.

let us make a slave. what do we need?
first of all we need a young slave man, a weak underslave and a young slave boy. second, we will use the same basic principle that we use in breaking a horse, combined with some more sustaining factors. we reduce them from their natural state in nature; whereas nature provides them with the natural capacity to take care of their needs and the needs of slaveboys, we break that natural string of independence from them and thereby create a dependency state so that we maybe able to get from them useful production for our business and pleasure.

cardinal principle for making a slave
for fear that our future generations may not understand the principle of breaking both horses and men, we lay down the art. for, if we are to sustain our basic economy we must break both of the beasts together, the slave and the horse. we understand that short range planning in economics results in periodic economic chaos, so that, to avoid turmoil in the economy, it requires us to have breadth and depth in long range comprehensive planning, articulating both skill and sharp perception. we lay down the following principles for long range comprehensive economic planning:
- both horse and slaves are no good to the economy in the wild or natural state.
- both must be broken and tied together for orderly production.
- for orderly futures, special and particular attention must be paid to the underslave and the youngest slaveboys.
- both must be crossbred to produce a variety and division of labour.
- both must taught to respond to a peculiar new language.
- psychological and physical instruction of containment must be created for both.
we hold the above six cardinals as truths to be self-evident, based upon following discourse concerning the economics of breaking and tying the horse and slave together... all inclusive of the six principles laid down above.

NOTE: neither principles alone will suffice for good economics. all principles must be employed for the orderly good of the masters. accordingly, both a wild horse and a wild or natural slave is dangerous even if captive, for they will have the tendency to seek their customary freedom, and, in doing so, might kill you in your sleep. you cannot rest. they sleep while you are awake and are awake while you are asleep. they are dangerous near the master house and it requires too much labor to watch them away from the house. above all you cannot get them to work in this natural state. hence, both the horse and the slave must be broken, that is break them from one form of mental life to another, keep the body and take the mind. in other words, break the will to resist.

now the breaking process in the same for the horse and the slave, only slightly varying in degrees. but as we said before, you must keep your eye focused on the underslave and the slaveboys. a brief discourse in slaveboy development will shed light on the key to sound economic principle. pay little attention to the generation of original breaking but concentrate on future generations. therefore, if you break the underslave, it will break the slaveboys in their early years of development and, when a slaveboy is old enough to work, the underslave will deliver it up to you. for its normal underslave protective tendencies will have been lost in the original breaking process. for example, take the case of the wild stud, a mare and a colt and compare the breaking process with two captive slaves in their natural state, a weak underslave with young slaveboys. take the stud, break him for limited containment. completely break the mare until it becomes very gentle whereas you or anybody can ride its in comfort. breed the mare until you have the desired colts. then you can turn the stud to freedom until you need him again. train the mare whereby it will eat out of your hand, and it will train the colts to eat of your hand also.

when it comes to breaking the uncivilized slave, use the same process, but vary the degree and step up the pressure so as to do a complete reversal of the mind. take the meanest and most restless slave, strip him of his clothes in front of the remaining slaves, the underslave, and the slaveboys, tie each leg to a stone, beat the slave within an inch of its life in front of the remaining slaves. the next step is to take a bullwhip and beat the remaining slaves soundly in front of the underslave and the slaveboys. don't kill them. but put the fear of god in him, for they can be useful for future breeding.

the breaking process of the underslave
take the underslave and run a series of tests on its to see if it will submit to your desires willingly. test it in every way, because it is the most important factor for good economy. if it shows any signs of resistance in submitting completely to your will, do not hesitate to use the bull whip on it to extract that last bit of bitch out of it. take care not to kill it, for in doing so, you spoil good economics. when in complete submission, it will train the slaveboys in the early years to submit when they become of age. understanding is the best thing.

therefore, we shall go deeper into this area of the subject matter concerning what we have produced here in this breaking of the underslave. we have reversed the relationship. in its natural uncivilized state it would have a strong dependency on the slave, and it would have a limited protective dependency toward the slaveboys and would raise slaveboys to be dependent like it. nature had provided for this type of balance. we reversed nature by whipping one slave to the point of death -- all in its presence. by its being left alone, unprotected, with image destroyed, the ordeal cased it to move from its psychological dependent state to a frozen independent state. in this frozen psychological state of independence it will raise the slaveboys in reversed roles. for fear of the youngsters' life it will psychologically train them to be mentally weak and dependent but physically strong. because it has become psychologically independent, it will train the slaveboys to be psychological independent as well. what have you got? you've got the underslave out front and the slave behind and scared. this is perfect for sound sleep and economics. before the breaking process, we had to be alert and on guard at all times. now we can sleep soundly, for out of frozen fear, the underslave stands guard for us. it cannot get past its early slaveboy moulding process. it is a good tool, now ready to be used at a tender age. by the time a slaveboy reaches the age of twenty, it is soundly broken in and ready for a long life of submission.