Home » The Dog House » Members » Care and Training » Training of the male slave » Bad Dog » Electro Correction | | Electro Torture | 
 Principles Dangers Earths Balls Tits Ass Cock Head Cock length Muscle Groups Voice Activation
Cock and Ball
Cock Locks
Slave Castration
Bliss Elevation
Suppliers (electro)
Collars (electro)
Dog Games
| | Principles As with all SM, it is feelings that are had when Master takes control and when the slave gives it up - the slaves trusts his Master, its not your place to allow that trust to be misplaced. These devices are alternative uses of TENS and EMS type devices - also effective for "drug free pain solutions" or Muscle development. Not like a perve to find alternative uses for the mundane, is it !!! There are also ones with remote controls, and sound inputs. Turn up the volume and the slaves very breathing will send volts through him, you want need to gag him no matter how hard your torture his tits. Some conductors can be made yourself with a quick visit to your local TANDY/Maplin shop - a lot of use can be made of conductive paint, window foil. Your aim is to make it safe and easy to use, some experimentation can help devise what is most effective. A sick mind can devise some interesting uses. PricingThe was the most expensive model from Body Clock, the V-TENS, at £85(UKP). That's supposed to be plus tax but if you sign a declaration saying you're disabled or a chronic pain sufferer you don't have to pay it. For that you get a machine with two channels that also has the modulation mode where the strength of the pulses increases and decreases, which I think is most fun. Not sure if the cheaper models have this.
The unit comes supplied with conductive plastic pads as terminals. You can buy leads with electrical crocodile clips from them for about £4 -- though if you're competent with a soldering iron you could make up your own with 50p worth of components from an electronic shop. On average the control units if bought in a sex shop will cost about £300, which is a lot for what they are, but then they are not mass produced, so think of them as being 'crafted' and you will feel better. | This differs from the Torture Equipment that the American (the biggest) and British (second biggest) Governments manufacture and sell to other countries to be used on their population against their will by the "security services". | | Keeping the cock and balls correctly place can also be done with binding. Securely placing the rope around his balls, with part of the cord used to separate each ball. The remaining cord is then used to lash down his cock, both keeping his meat firm and secure. You have the further options of allowing him a method of humping himself (normally the only allowable way for a dog), you may also keep his meat in position should you wish to keep a catheter (piss or electrical) it will lessen the chances of it coming loose once in place. | 
| | Tit Torture There are a whole range of attachements that you can make yourself. A general guide for effectivemess, is that you should not really notice the connection to the skin when switched off. That is the Clamps should not be a distraction in its own right. That the smaller the contact area the more noticible the effect. That is to say, if you apply two contacts, one making contact to a larger serface area the smaller one is where the 'sensation' will be. With some TENS units it is safe to connect an ellectrode to each tit, (ok if you do not have a PaceMaker). There should be enough KY lube for an even contact. If one is more sensative that the other this is likely due to a bad contact, eg 'gunge' around the tit ring if you are pierced. | | | Voice Activation This option allows control of the TENS unit with sound only. So putting the micraphone close the the helpless slaves lips can make him nice a quiet when you are working on his Tits. Turn up the sensativity still further, then it is his breathing that is triggering the device. This has much the same effect as 'BioFeedback" devices. Choosing the right site for the electrode for this effect often depends on the slave's erogonous zones, one of my slave prefers it to his butt plug - what you need to avoid is the wrong sort of fatigue, as the net result is that you dont want him to end the scene. | 
| |  These are some sample connection for the Cock. They range for the simple to the more complex. The simple cock head connections will allow a good effect to build up. The example to the right shows lots of other possiblities, you might like the effect as the cock moves to get different sensations, like when the jerking errection touches the live wire, he knows it gonna happen, just dont know when. That exceptment makes the cock harder, and ever more likely to get into trouble. The effect if the TENS unit is less noticible if you are playing with the cock, it is often much better to leave the cock alone to allow for the cumulative effect. The Picture of the slave on the left shows that the electrode could alo be secured to his PA, but there is always a risk of it slipping out. The smaller the surface area the sharper the shock. | 
| | This is discussed more in the electro play section. In this example my slave has a wide area electrode under his balls, and a condictive PES catherter down his piss hole. The slave is in his Fetters shorts that have a cock harness in it that keeps his cock in position. The electrode is lightly secured to the padlock post so as the cock gets hard and soft it slides up and down the electrode. The electro is connected to a standard dual channel TENS unit. During the couse of play the cock has many erections (he will notice this when his pisses for the next few days).The slaves paws are locked out of the way to his side, so that it is hard for him to touch anything. Since he took quite a bit, and begged so sweetly for his Master (see Bliss Elevation), he was allows his paws bound to his side which allowed him to stock his sore balls with some effort. He soon approached the stage where he reached would have done anything to cum. | 
| | There are noth that much in the way of muscles to contract in you balls, but they still get a good effect. There are a number of techniques, that range from and electrode to each testical, or haveing a cock ring or other chunk of metal. You could use the stell bar of a ball crusher so the slave is unsure where the sensation is coming from! | 
| | These are some sample 'earths'. They are not intended to be the point of stimulation, but they provide an excellent conductor for the return of the electricity. Inserted deep into the slaves butt, it is away from muscles but provides an excellent connection to the moist body.This point of contact has been well known, an us typical when electrocuting fur animals such as Mink, the other connection being the mouth/tongue. | 
| | These are some sample connection points. Some TEMS units are ok to use across the tits (the heart is between them), others run a risk. This light weight units here is fine, and ok'ed by the manufacture for this use, with a caution about PaceMakers. In the Tit Torture section above, there are electrodes that allow the current to flow through each nipple to that the effect is localised. This can be accomadated using expensive clamps or home made wooden clothes pegs/pins and ThumbTacks/Drawing pins. For all types of connected do cot allow a short circut to occur as this can damage the unit. The one pictured left has a safety cutout should any kind of overload occur.
| | | This typically is where you control the contraction of the sphincter.For best effect you have a Electro butt plug with a contact running up the opposite length, which means that you pass the current through the longest part of the muscle, which mean a bigger contraction. Add this to the special shaping of the buttplug, mean that when the current is on you clench your butt, sucking the butt plug in. When the current is off, you relax and the butt plug slips out, now you can see how you can "go fuck yourself" This work out can be quite intense after a while, so subtley is better. Best ry it on yourself before you do it on a slave. Also note that when in long term bondage, possibly in a sleep sack, he could roll onto the butt plug and risk some damage the the butt-plug (they are not cheap). The whole experince can leave him with a very sore butt hole. | | | This can also be combined with electrodes to the buttocks - these are heavy duty muscles that can have a larger contraction. Which means not only can you have good SM, but you firm up your slaves butt at the same time! This has been a good tool with the slave in the sleep sack and attached to his Abs, help improve his Six-Pack. | | | The was the most expensive model from Body Clock, the V-TENS, at £85(UKP). That's supposed to be plus tax but if you sign a declaration saying you're disabled or a chronic pain sufferer you don't have to pay it. For that you get a machine with two channels that also has the modulation mode where the strength of the pulses increases and decreases, which I think is most fun. Not sure if the cheaper models have this.
The unit comes supplied with conductive plastic pads as terminals. You can buy leads with electrical crocodile clips from them for about £4 -- though if you're competent with a soldering iron you could make up your own with 50p worth of components from an electronic shop. | | | So what could go wrong ? Well electric shocks are used to stop and start the heart - typically much grater than the average TENS unit, but how do you feel about the risk of a 'heavy duty' TENS unit. Some guys like to connect the electrodes of a cattle prod to their tits for a real kick! People get used to everything, so a novice can take less that an experinced practioner. Is the heart healthy, what if there is above average strain due to excitement or chemicals. Sometimes during sex I have heard the heart loudly pounding, my boy is very fit, but what if he was not? The other aspects include electrical burns, usually from sparks, but can also come from electro training collars which should not be near the vocal cord (we dont care if a dog looses its voice), not near the nervous system etc. However they are dead effective around the balls. |