Using itYou may never take your dog to the SM Dog Championship, but you can reap the benefits of the results these Training Collars can give. Dogs act quickly. That is why it is essential for you to be able to react just as quickly to what your dog is doing. If you don't, you can miss the split-second opportunity to correct his behaviour. This is why there is a high premium on making it easy for the Master to quickly and effectively control his dogslave. The best Dog Trainers in the world share a love of dogslave and have a desire to make it easier for them to learn. This is matched to the Trainers having demanding standard for their dogs - and this helps keep them there. The effect is a matter of perception of momentary and continuous stimulation. It helps both get the attention of the slave and corrects errant behaviour - it also can happen at a subconscious level, where his obedience becomes absolute. - Momentary Stimulation
This is the ideal "attention getter" ideal for when working in open spaces, such as Gay Pride, Folsom Street fair, any SM Dogshow. This is where the Mile plus range is useful. - Continous Stimulation
- At a low level, is is good at introducing him to his 'keeper'. Allowing his to get familiar with the technology that is both his bondage and his correction.
He soon becomes aware that he cannot remove it, and that he is to live with it. - At a higher level it correct errant behaviour in its tracks
Use of pre-set levels prevent an error of holding the button down too long. Use it to reinforce commands that your dog already knows, allowing him to build up the required associations. "Yes, they aren't as great as they're cracked up to be ! Supposedly there's a re-verb affect. Wanna know what it is?"
Well all I can say quoting the one example here, is that it Exceeded the Owners expectations. I can wear it under my leather jeans fine as they are wrapped around my balls. The device emits A Good dog "purr" noise (green button), and a Bad Dog shrill noise (red button). To the left is the intensity: This is like a quick kick in the balls. If I was drinking, doing any thing needing care - I would have blown it. Once the initial discharge, there is a sort of reverb, that sort of chews at you - this lasts for about 2 seconds. Without doubt there is the feeling of "I don't really want to try level #2", yet there is a sinister curiosity. (Master, I don't really want to try it). This is twice the level of intensity of setting one, working on the "volume" setting - it is said that it needs to be squared for you to feel that it is more. This is twice level #2 This is twice #3.
So you can quickly understand that the slave will soon learn to obey you. The whole thing comes apart for cleaning, and integration into other devices, such as the spiked inlay in his chastity shorts. The electrodes also come off, this allows then to be changed for other types or to another metal, as it can be easy for a slave to get Nickel Rash, less of a problem for Genetic Canines. Basic Version Full remote control. This is typically used for training "Gun Dogs" and is made by Tri-Tronics (1-800-456-4343) and starts from about $99.
These collars have a open range of around a mile. The different coloured electrodes are for different levels of momentary stimulation. The remote control can give 3 levels of stimulation, with one button giving up to 10 seconds of continuous stimulation for asserting dominance over the dog. Supplier |