This section deals with
sexual play in the area of 'Castration Play'
- Castration Play
- In SM fiction there are many stories of what happens to
a slaves balls, how he looses them, how he regains them - a
subject no without passion. In some stories the have has
them cut out and placed in the slaves mouth to gag him as he
is being tortured. It is upto the slave if the balls that he
is guarding are usable after the ordeal. It they are, the
'doctor' sew them back on...till next time.
In SM fiction there are
many stories of what happens to a slaves balls, how he looses
them, how he regains them - a subject no without passion.
In some stories the have
has them cut out and placed in the slaves mouth to gag him as he
is being tortured. It is upto the slave if the balls that he is
guarding are usable after the ordeal. It they are, the 'doctor'
sew them back on...till next time.
Should not under play this one. It tends to be a big thing with
slaves, and a potent force with Masters. The pictures on this
page depict some of the factors, the 'rush'
and the
that is placed over the slave. Most play is the simulation of
this, "maybe this time..." This often takes the form of Cock and
Ball torture (cbt),
however when the slave moves on there might come a time for the
ultimate sacrifice, and with any SM scene (depending on
motivation), the balls might go, usually acting out your
ultimate fantasy.
This is a one way street, so careful thought has to go into it.
The Art of the Masters skill, is to make the slave FEEL that he
has done this, with out actually doing it. Though for some
Masters, the thought of cutting the slaves balls off and
throwing them to the wild dogs, or keeping them on display in a
jar in the play room would be a constant reminder to the slave
of his place in life.
Sometimes slaves loose
their ball(s) through cancer (a common men's problem), and there
is an adjustment to their outlook after that. To my mind this is
the worst way to loose them, just feels like some rotting decay.
No erection = No fun I guess.