Chastity-devices are very good for total control of the slave. They are a sign of total ownership of every part of the slaves body. Can be locked on for some hours or weeks, they can be worn under clothes, all day long at work. It might affect his concentration at work, as his Mind will be else where. There are a range of choices, the Cock Cuff is suitable for long term use, and can be worn under look clothing.
There are many arguments for controlling your slaves sexual drive. He will serve you better, in time he will attune himself more closely to his status. When he is allowed to cum it will he more meaningful and substantial, that if he jerks off two or 3 times a day, and then is not 'in the mood' for his Master.
Often a slave has a very high sex drive, and you may need for force wank him, to empty him, to make him cum every few hours, till he is sore, even waking up during the night.
One punishment I was reminded of by one slave is the video tape that he was told to make, of him doing his punishment, wanking off, with the bedside clock cuming at the correct time, then sleeping for a while - he was very sore, but he learnt who his cock belonged.
Conversely you may enjoy exploiting this sex drive with the options below, and see just what he will do for you if he thinks he may be allowed to cum as a reward.
When he is denied orgasms for a weeks, there is the risk of 'wet dreams' and cums when he was not touching it, if he is a good slave he would confess this to his Master and await his judgement.
Such devices send a clear message to the slave of the degree of ownership that the Master has over his slave - Total Control Ownership is a progressive thing between a Master and slave, this is one feature of that exercise.
The way the slave sees it ^
"i need to be shaved, collared, kept naked or in compulsory clothes (e.g. Chastity Shorts, filth soaked pants), constantly aware of my status, to be caged and/or in total, immovable bondage when not being used, constantly aware of my Owners control over me.
i need to be kept hard and milked regularly but not allowed to cum while begging for relief from the depths of my soul, to maintain a raging hunger that only my Owner may satisfy. "
- The way the Master sees it ^
The dog's gotta learn to stop playing with itself -
That's your property
in his paws!
- A common question that Masters ask me:
- "hey dude I love that stuff like neutering temporarily is there anything else I can do to keep my puppy from playing with himself"