Thanks for visiting our website and for wanting to find out more about our reviews.
We would like to take all our members that review Product, event and other stuff of interest to fellow members.
Over time, we’ve added images, product features and price comparison to the website. We want to help shoppers decide what to buy, and hopefully having all these things (plus genuine customer reviews of course) makes this possible.
Our reviews are genuine.
We only publish reviews written by customers of our retail partners, and they have all definitely bought the product. We get emails every week from visitors to The Doghouse who want to write a review for the site. To meet this demand we’ll shortly be introducing the ability to leave a comment. You won’t have to have bought the product from one of our retailers to leave a comment, but we’ll be making it very clear that comments are different to reviews.
We’re impartial.
As we explained above, we don’t make or sell anything for consumers. So if a product has a particular fault or doesn’t do what it’s supposed to then we want consumers to know about it. So we never edit reviews and we never delete reviews that have a negative score or comments.
We’re independent.
Although we work with retailers and manufacturers, we’re a private company. We don’t make or sell any consumer products, so we’ve got nothing to gain (and a whole lot to lose) from publishing anything other than exactly what real shoppers think of products they’ve bought.