|  |  In answer to the question "I'm ready to start my training as a slave, but I don't where to start." here is some feedback. - Question
- Dear Sir
My name is Mike, I'm 6'0 tall, 230lbs, very muscular, VGL, hairy, 31 y/o, Italian Descent living in the Toronto. I have dark curly long hair, dark brown eyes. I've always been interested in BDSM, CP, Humiliation, WS, leather, and have read a lot of S&M Literature since I was 15 y/o and in the closet. I read a book last week called about becoming a slave and something finally clicked. I think I'm ready to start my training as a slave, but I don't where to start. I write to you Sir, to ask you to guide me. I'm horny all day, thinking about this life style and it drives me crazy. I want to experience it, but I don't know where to start. Please help me Sir. Any orientation will be useful.
jan 2009 - reply
Hi Pup, Well to start with you could put a profile up on Thedoghouse.org and recon.com (in the Masters and slaves section). You get some nice pics done of yourself. One of which is typically of you just in well fitting 501 jeans and some boots (black or timberland) lace up style. The view of this pic is that it shows how male you are and what shape you are in. As for the 'Long' hair - that is ok if you are hetro but if you are gay then you need a pic where you can show what you look like if you did not have long hair. Slaves usually have cropped hair. In your advert be honest about what you like and what you don't like, say that you are a novice. It is ok to say (cos you are a novice) that you don't know what sort of Master/Mistress you want until you find the right Owner. - Some Masters are keen to own a slave (its just how we are) others (top) see slaves as play things. You need someone that you can trust and learn to let go, this can take a few attempts. You could start looking for a switch (their profile shows them as 50/50 they can be slave or Master), these people will understand where you are coming from and are a good starting point. In you advert what is the oldest person you would go with (~40 is a good age for a Master has he would have gained experience by then) what is the youngest?.
Toronto is a good place to be gay (nice city) but it is also worth visiting other cities - ensure that you visit Amsterdam and Berlin (www.BLF.DE ) when the leather festivals are on. Make sure you have some nice leather gear that shows off your assets well, leather jeans and chaps are a must then look at the rest. I have included some pictures of things you can copy, images you can select and build upon. It would not hurt going down to the gym - all my slaves workout and I enjoy then working hard for me and me moulding them. You also need to look after your personal grooming. This means getting some hair clippers. Your pubic hard needs to be cropped (a Master would want it shaved), but you need to keep it looking 'tidy' likewise your chest hair would need to be cropped (eg quarter inch) this keeps it tidy but shows you have hair and its quality.-
As for meeting a Master, always make sure that you tell a friend that you are going to meet someone and leave those details ready for them, call your friend when you get back home ('all call you when I get back') so if you meet a mad man and get chopped up into bits of meat the police have as much as possible to find you, your friend would be reliable to call the cops after a reasonable delay. It is unlikely that you would find such a mad man in Canada or Western/Central Europe in the USA in the middle of nowhere the chances of getting away with it feel higher. This means you need to spend time talking to the guy and getting to know him. Masters are usually there to develop slaves and can get quite attached to slaves (and so why would they want to damage their potential property) tops or sadists are consumers. In the first meet you would take it quite easy anyhow and it would not hurt to aim for a switch (he would do stuff to you that he likes done to him). The hard job is finding a good Master near you - this will take forever but have faith. -
So I suggest you start an action plan: 1# live like you are a slave already, look after you body and make sure that no Master can resist you.. 2# get some nice photos done. You don't have to show your cock or ass hole - just how they might see you in a club. 3# get an advert up on my site and recon with some of you photos and modest expectations, what you like what you done and what you want to try. 4# call every potential Master 'Sir' - its just polite and respectful 5# keep the faith. There is the right Master out there for you so be ready. Hope this helps pup Good luck Master Doug - Question
- Master Doug:
Thank you so much for this amazing e-mail. i really appreciate your time in responding to me, Sir. i wish i was closer to You Sir. i take good care of me, and will keep doing that Sir to please a future Master as You told me. i trim my hair and keep my pubes short, would love to have a Master that i could please with that. i do have a couple of questions: i don't own a pair of 501, will a good pair of fitting jeans will do? i don't own black boots the lace up style. i will get them as soon as i find the right ones. Sir, in that case what do You recommend? i will do as You told and fill in an advert on Your website and recon. As for the age, i'm looking for Masters older than me to late fifties. Again Sir, thank You so much for Your time, patience, and answering my e-mail. Thanks for the images Sir and for the inspiration. This will help a lot. Devoted. M ps. Sir, the "pup" thing left me with a raging hard-on. Thank you for calling me that Sir. - reply
- Hi pup
As for the boots - have a look in an ex-army store and look for some Parra boots. This are quite tall (about 12" high) and easy to have shine, will fit well and are worn in and cheap! Use good fitting blue or black jeans. Whilst you are in the army shop you can look out some army jeans - here are some pics as to what looks sexy. As for the age in the profile say up to 50 (depending on the person) cos if you got the hots for some Master and he is older then is that an issue or what of someone that is actually 35 but looks 60 and does not care about himself? Again make sure you go to the gym (every other day) and work hard, keep your development even. When a Master ties you up he will enjoy seeing your shoulder sculpture, my boy has a nice 6 pack and I can use him as a punch bag (he loves me doing this, I guess he is showing off how well he has trained, he also loves me being proud of him). You have to work to make sure that your Master is proud of you, this will make you feel a million dollars and him pretty good to. A good Master will train you. But look at the army for the self respect and obey orders issues. USMC make fab slaves :))) I would also suggest you do visualization exercises wishing the 'right Master' to come for you. Cos at the moment you don’t know what 'right' is in terms of you, but the 'right' Master will make your dick hard and you feel complete inside; that’s all you need. So look luck in finding an Owner. Master Doug  - You have to get yourself a profile some where you will get noticed. Which means you have have to go to spaces where a Master might see you. That used to mean leather bars, now a days it means on the web. So put a profile up on TheDoghouse (focused market for dog boys) and a high volume site with a good search engine (eg recon.com).
Pictures - Get some pictures as you need to 'sell yourself'.
Your profile wont get any attention is there are no pics at all and even less if there is no text. If you were looking through the classifieds and you saw and empty block of white space that would not appeal to you. - So what sort of picture?
Well there are enough profiles up there that that have pics 'borrowed' from other profiles that suggest what you like what you are into - "A pictures says a 1000 words" as the famous quote goes. But you need a pic of yourself. You might think all that is needed is a picture of your cock or ass hole - but far from it. Just a pair of 501 and ya boots are fine - it would not hurt to get your hair trimmed (think interview).
Position? You might also want to think what position your prospective Master would like to see you in. This is positions of dominance and better explained in the NLP section. In general your on the flow and he is way above you.
Gear - So you don't have any boots.
You can get your first pair at an ex-army store. Yopu can get some tall Paratrooper boots. This are black lace up leather boots, they can be quite cheap as workmen often buy then as 'disposable' work gear. All you need to do is get some good quality boot polish wax (not the paint on stuff) and rub it in. In the UK there is a popular black boot wax polish that is so named that it implies its used by the army. An alternative is one that 'feeds and nourishes' the leather. This soaks in, makes the leather more supple and flexible. You then have to spend ages polishing it. You can get some levis 501 jeans so that they fit you well and hug your butt. In the army shop you can see what army jeans they have in there. Its worth checking the different styles/nationalities. For example the genuine British ones fit where they touch where as many of the American ones fit exceptionally well. There are of course copies which you can try. A simple test is if you say a guy wearing the gear that you are putting together, would you want to get on your knees before him. It's an empathy thing.- A collar or not?
You can lock a chain around your neck, you can get such a set up from HomeDepot or diy.com - All this needs is a chain and a padlock. These needs to be in proportion. That is the padlock looks the right size for the chain (look at heavy duty bike security chains). The chain for your neck needs to be the right size for you. If you are a big guy you need a big chain. You don't see a poodle collar on a bull do you or vice versa!
However, some slaves like to make a statement of just how much a slave they are with the weight and size of the collar; but it is also a measure of the confidence of the slave. What if you are a pup more than a slave - then it is a nice (black) dog collar.
Some people assume that if there is a chain locked on the slaves neck then he must be Owned - not always true; just the slave needs to feel it there. In strict terms if a slave is owned the chain would have a tag on it with 'Property of Master...' on it.
A puppy usually always have a dog collar on, owned or not as do many Goth types. This can easily hide what you are really into.
What are you into? - So in your advert you don't fill it full of your fantasies as fact, you start off real modest. You can suggest that you are just into the basics like getting fucked (blue) and bondage (gray), you can stuff these colours in ya back pocket (Hanky Codes). Might not be good to get tied up too secure the first time unless you feel you trust this guy. It's ok to say that you want to try heavier things down another time but make sure he knows you are a novice. Something can be far more heavy when done in combination (eg you can cope with either thing one at a time but not together - eg being fucked whilst suspended from the ceiling is different to being fucked on the bed).
- Set realistic expectations; this is because you will both feel disappointed when you quite the scene using a 'Safe Word' when all you really meant was to pause for a bit.
- When you got to meet this guy make sure you leave contact info with a trusted friend and let them know that you will call them at a given time. If you don't they may feel that they might want to contact the police with the info that you have given them.
Mishap Movies: Here are some examples of how letting someone know where you were would have helped ;-) Hostel http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0450278/ Mum & Dad http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1129428/