This is part of the Dungeon in the Sky (DinSky) event, Europe's largest SM event at the University of London Union in September. More than 2000 lesbians, gays and bisexuals took part in DinSky. Dungeon in the Sky'96 was the sixth major annual event organised by SM Gays, and featured a record number of demonstrations, workshops and entertainment events. The day started when just 300 SM Gays took part in the annual SM Pride March through central London in protest at the Operation Spanner case launched by the police back in 1987. The SM Dog Show continued to be a firm favourite building on the success of the previous year, where a number of dogslaves were shown. Also well attended was was the Black and Blue Quiz hosted by TV personality Amy Lamé , which took place along side a range of workshops with such titles as "So you want to get started...", "Keeping your hands in" and "Sparks without Marks". "We only had only one complaint" confessed event organiser Chis Butler, "and that was the length of the queue(line) to get in, which straggled on for about 3 hours. We will do a lot better next year." |