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By Mike McDade

March 16, 1997



Obedience is the goal. Practised constantly, it is the only mentality and thought, that will allow a potential slave to develop into his slavery. A slave's only pleasure is from obeying. These principles allow a slave to obey, at all times and in all circumstances. Living by the Principles both provides for becoming a slave and living as slave. Embrace these Principles. Find ways to occupy your whole life with them. That is My purpose, and yours.


  1. A slave never asks permission, nor is permitted the use of the word "may." Either of those expressions implies that the slave could want something that the SlaveMaster does not. The SlaveMaster's response then becomes one of either acquiescing to the request of the slave or denying the request. Since a slave only wants and needs what his SlaveMaster wants and needs, there can be no conflict and the slave only asks the SlaveMaster's intention regarding the activity of the slave.
  2. A slave is denied the use of any of the items listed next, without first determining the SlaveMaster's explicit intention by asking. Whenever the slave is living in the SlaveMaster's home, the same applies, even when the SlaveMaster is away from the home, or the slave is away from the home. All activity must be requested in advance. The SlaveMaster must know of all the slave's activities, all the time, and no exceptions. Even when the slave is working, where the slave is, what he is eating or drinking, and where he is going must all be known before the slave leaves the SlaveMaster's home or presence.
  3. The specific items which never are used, except when ordered, include:
    Water is excepted when NOT is the SlaveMaster's space, e.g. while the slave is at work, or when the SlaveMaster is away from the home
    No exceptions, including telephone.
    Both public and private
    Except a slave will not use this as an excuse to expose himself in any way that is illegal

»»The slave never, under any circumstances touches the SlaveMaster's devices used in the control, discipline, or training of His slaves. If a slave is ever ordered to bring any device to Him, the slave will do it only with his mouth. If he cannot, then the device is left alone.

»»Anything, including clothing that the SlaveMaster puts onto a slave is left on.
It is considered to be locked on, and only removed by the SlaveMaster. Included are items such as hats. To remove a restraining device or anything else used in his training would be a violation of both this and the previous principle.


    It is the heart, character, and fibre of a slave to be obedient. Obedience is the prompt, eager, and cheerful wanting only what his Owner wants. It is disobedient for a slave to:

    1. Indulge in, express, display, or act out anger, moodiness, or any form of disruptive emotion, behaviour, or thought. Such characteristics are a violation of cheerfulness.
    2. Display by tone, body language, or expression his disagreement with, evaluation of, or lack of earnest acceptance of any order. It is a violation of eagerness to do so.
    3. Delay beginning any action. The "Sir, Yes Sir. Thank You, Sir!" which follows any order is expressed while the action begins. Any sign of stall, diversion, creation of extra movements or behaviour is a violation of promptness.
    4. Judge or criticise anyone or anything. This is an arrogant, destructive and disobedient activity that isn't tolerated because of its adversity to, and inconsistency with the character of a slave.
    5. Discuss with anyone, another slave, a Master, the SlaveMaster, or any other person. No matter how cleverly disguised by the ego, this is gossip. It is a negative activity that involves judgement and prevents slavery.


    A slave never says "hello" or "goodbye" to his SlaveMaster. A process of entering the SlaveMaster's presence and leaving it, described below replaces these two processes. When a slave "says hello" he is surrendering himself to the SlaveMaster's control. When the slave "says goodbye" he is asking to have that control extended while away from the SlaveMaster. This principle applies whenever:

      1. A slave enters or leaves the SlaveMaster's dwelling
      2. The SlaveMaster enters or leaves the slave's dwelling, or
      3. A slave enters or leaves the same space as the SlaveMaster, any where, either public or private.


    Whenever it would be appropriate for a non-slave to say "hello", a slave PRESENTS himself as soon as practical. Only urgent needs, like emptying a car parked in a loading zone would delay the PRESENTATION.

    PRESENTING is a motionless position, slave up on his knees, not sitting on his legs, knees spread shoulder width, arms locked behind his back with each hand clasping the opposite wrist, chest held strongly, head bowed, eyes down. The PRESENTING position presents the strength and the power of the slave. It is not a weak, nor a submissive position.

    After a slave feels the PRESENCE of his slavery, the slave says one time to his SlaveMaster, "SlaveMaster, Sir." First, the slave takes whatever time is necessary to feel his slavery, the strength and dedication of his slavery, to let the rush and static of the outside world to subside, and to find the peace, power, and presence of his slavery before speaking his Owner's name, the name of the man with whom he will share his identity, and accept his control.

    The slave remains motionless in the PRESENT position, until he is either told to "continue", or given some other order. When told to "continue", if the slave was in the process of fulfilling some other order when he PRESENTED himself, he returns to that activity. If the slave was not fulfilling another order, he is free to honestly express himself physically after he is told to "continue." The slave might wrap his arms around the leg, etc.

    Afterwards, the slave will be ordered to disrobe. If the slave is in the SlaveMaster's home and he has not already been ordered to disrobe, the slave asks, "Do You wish Your slave to continue Sir?" If the response is affirmative, the slave says, "Sir, Yes Sir, Thank You Sir!" and immediately proceeds to the slave space, or other designated area, to disrobe.


    Whether the slave is leaving to go to work, leaving because a session is ended, to fulfil some order that the slave was given earlier, or because the SlaveMaster is leaving, The slave does the following:

      1. PRESENTS himself
      2. Says "SlaveMaster Sir?"
      3. Awaits the SlaveMaster's acknowledgement
      4. Asks, "Sir, do you wish Your slave to continue in Your service Sir?"
      5. Responds, "Sir, Yes Sir, Thank You Sir." regardless of answer
      6. If answer is affirmative, the slave is free to leave the SlaveMaster's presence, or the SlaveMaster will leave.


    The two processes above, describe how a slave is to say "hello" and "goodbye." That applies only when a slave and his SlaveMaster comes into the same space, or they separate. Within the same space, there are times when there is a temporary break in the control, the slave is separated within the building to fulfil an order he has been given. General control is exercised by authorising everything the slave does. Specific control is lost because the slave is out of the line of sight, or in another room. There are specific ways a slave must leave his Owner's consciousness and re-enter it.

      1. As every order is completed, a slave PRESENTS himself within eyesight of the SlaveMaster.
      • The slave optionally PRESENTS STANDING only if the SlaveMaster is standing
      • Otherwise, the slave PRESENTS normally, on his knees
      1. The slave remains motionless in the PRESENT position until he is given another order.
      2. If the slave has a question he says "SlaveMaster Sir?"
      3. Awaits acknowledgement
      4. Asks his question, as described in the Communications section
      5. Responds "Sir, Yes Sir, Thank You Sir!"
      6. If the question has become an order, takes care of the new order, or
      7. Additionally asks "Sir, do You wish Your slave to continue Sir?"
      8. Responds "Sir, Yes Sir, Thank You Sir!"
      9. Continues or remains as ordered.


    The slave separates himself physically from his SlaveMaster only when:

      1. he has been ordered to perform a task that requires the slave to separate
      2. The slave asks, in normal format, if the SlaveMaster wants him to continue
      3. The slave says, as a minimum, "Sir, Your slave will... if You wish Sir?"
        E.g. ...answer Your phone.


    a. "SlaveMaster" is the SlaveMaster's role, title, and name. A slave will always refer to Him only as "SlaveMaster" or "The SlaveMaster" depending on how it is being used in a sentence, and to whom the slave is speaking.

    b. A slave's primary reference to himself is always "Your slave" when speaking to his SlaveMaster. When speaking with others, a slave refers to himself as "this slave" and uses "he" as a secondary reference. A slave will never use the words "me", "my" or "I". The only exceptions are that a slave can say "my SlaveMaster", "my slave brother", or "my slavery"

    c. A slave says "Sir, Yes Sir, Thank You Sir!" every time the slave:

      1. Is given any acknowledgement
      2. Is told any piece of information, even if it doesn't affect him
      3. Has his speech or behaviour corrected or explained
      4. Answers any question in the affirmative

    The slave says "Sir, No Sir, Thank You Sir!" when his response is negative.

    The slave may occasionally strengthen the response by responding, "Sir, Yes Sir, Thank You SlaveMaster Sir!". Another alternative when answering a question for information only is "Yes SlaveMaster, Thank You Sir!" These variations are intended to only be used appropriately, and cannot become a substitute for the normal response of "Sir, Yes Sir, Thank Your Sir!"

    d. A slave never speaks unless spoken to. When the slave feels a need for the SlaveMaster's attention, the slave comes into the SlaveMaster's consciousness by:

    i. PRESENTING himself appropriately, either full or standing

    ii. Immediately asking only one time "SlaveMaster Sir?"

    The slave expresses his request for the SlaveMaster's attention regardless of what the SlaveMaster is doing at the time. The request is presented in such a way as to not disturb what the SlaveMaster is doing at the time, but sufficient to make the SlaveMaster aware of the request.

    iii. Awaits the SlaveMaster's acknowledgement

    iv. If asking a "yes" or "no" question says "Sir, do You wish Your slave to...Sir" (whatever yes/no question the
    slave has), beginning with "Sir" and ending with "Sir".

    v. If asking to piss, asks "Sir, do You wish Your slave to take Your piss, Sir?"

    vi. If tending to himself, asks "Sir, do You wish Your slave to take care of himself, Sir?" When the slave feels the need to do more then piss, like shaving, showering, taking a crap, etc., this is the appropriate question.

    vii. The slave responds "Sir, Yes Sir, Thank You Sir!" no matter what the SlaveMaster's response to any question.

    viii. If the question implies an action (as when the slave asks about pissing), the slave, after the normal "Sir, Yes Sir, Thank You Sir!" response, must complete what is then an order.

    ix. If the question doesn't imply the slave's action, the slave must additionally ask "Sir, do You wish Your slave to continue Sir?" Again, the slave will respond "Sir, Yes Sir, Thank You Sir!" no matter what answer is given.

    x. If the slave feels the need to ask a question that is longer than a yes/no question, the slave asks:

      1. "Sir, do You wish Your slave to ask a question Sir?"
      2. Awaits the SlaveMaster's response.
      3. Says "Sir, Yes Sir, Thank You Sir!"
      4. asks his question if the SlaveMaster's response was affirmative

    xi. If the slave feels the need to make a comment, he asks:

      1. "Sir, do You wish Your slave to make a comment Sir?"
      2. awaits the SlaveMaster's response
      3. responds "Sir, Yes Sir, Thank You Sir!"
      4. makes the comment, if question answered in affirmative.

    e. When the slave is already engaged in conversation with the SlaveMaster, the slave doesn't have to enter the SlaveMaster's consciousness by saying "SlaveMaster Sir?"

    f. When the SlaveMaster has asked his slave a question, the slave doesn't need to ask the SlaveMaster's intention regarding making a comment,.

    g. A slave refers to other slaves as "slaveboy", as "slave (first name), "slave brother", or the BIRTH number of a BORN slave.

    h. "Beg Your pardon Sir" is the only way a slave expresses his accidental activities. A slave never says "sorry", nor "excuse me." It would be appropriate for a slave to use "Beg Your Pardon Sir" in a crowd when he has bumped into another.

    i. A slave enters into a conversation in the SlaveMaster's presence by asking "SlaveMaster Sir?" "Sir, do You wish Your slave to make a comment Sir?" This allows the slave into the conversation. The SlaveMaster might also directly invite the slave into the conversation with a sign, a word, a look, or a nod which indicates the SlaveMaster's order to speak. The slave, as always, responds "Sir, Yes Sir, Thank You Sir!"

    j. When speaking with the SlaveMaster, every sentence is begun and ended with the word "Sir", and EVERY pause filled with "Sir" whether for a breath, a new thought, or any other purpose. When there is more than one thought to express, the slave can use a single "Sir" between sentences so that two "Sir's" aren't expressed together. Thoughts are expressed clearly, succinctly, and without run-on. Each thought is ended, rather than held with "you know", "uh" or any other holder of speech. No holder of speech is ever used except for "Sir."

    k. slaves are free to speak between themselves, even in the presence of their SlaveMaster, so long as it is not distracting, does not compete with what the SlaveMaster wants to express, can be immediately and easily interrupted by the SlaveMaster interjecting, and doesn't interfere with the position the slave is currently holding. Being PRESENTED is a non-moving position. Speech is not an excuse to move.

    l. A slave can always ask for clarification and understanding. he can ask if the SlaveMaster is ready to receive his comments, but a slave does not ever argue!

    m. In writing, any reference to a slave is always in the small case, even at the beginning of a sentence. References to men of respect are always capitalised. The use of "I", "me", and "my" applies to writing, the same as in speech.

    6. ORDERS

    1. Every question a slave asks regarding the SlaveMaster's intention becomes an order once the SlaveMaster answers.
    2. PRESENT STANDING is the same position as PRESENT, except that the slave is standing with his feet shoulder-width apart. It, too, is a motionless stance which the slave maintains until he is told to do differently by being given another order. A slave never asks whether the SlaveMaster wants him to do something. A slave who PRESENTS himself is saying with his presence that he has completed all orders, has no need for the SlaveMaster's attention, and is ready for the next order.
    3. When all current orders are complete, the slave comes within the SlaveMaster's line of sight, and presents himself. If the SlaveMaster is sitting or lying down, the slave presents himself in the standard way, fully PRESENTED, on his knees.. When the SlaveMaster is standing, the slave has the option to PRESENT himself STANDING, but can always fully PRESENT himself whenever that is what feels natural.
    4. To follow his SlaveMaster's position, a slave may move his eyes from the downward position while in the PRESENT STANDING position, and may change position to avoid loosing track of the SlaveMaster's location. The slave always remains in a position that the slave can respond to the SlaveMaster's hand signals, or call, unless ordered to "stay."

    5. Anything else may be added as is deemed important. Further, as time progresses, through his training, advice will become orders for the slave. Some of those orders will include what the slave is to do between sessions to improve his life, to prepare for slavery. Ultimately, with BIRTH, the control is absolute, and life long. During the training, the orders deal with obvious improvements that should be made to prepare the slave for the responsibilities he will have after BIRTH.


    1. In general, a slave must learn and accept all slave behaviour as being normal, and learns to behave in a way that IS natural-looking and feeling. Additionally, the slave always acts and responds to make the SlaveMaster look "right" about the orders He gives. A slave does not respond in any way that causes the appearance that the SlaveMaster has made a mistake. This is not a game of "gotcha."

      The slave is considered a part of the SlaveMaster's body. The slave is to learn to act as naturally, with the same obedience, lack of attitude, and co-ordination as any other part of the SlaveMaster's body. To act any other way, is to act in a disabled, disrespectful, and disobedient way. A slave does not invite mockery or criticism, and feels none when he is doing as ordered. If the slave cannot accept his behaviour as normal, it is unfair to expect the public to accept it as normal. A slave always acts with dignity, and in a way that reflects positively on his Owner and his brothers.

    2. A slave stands, no matter what the circumstance, whenever his SlaveMaster stands or enters the same room or space as a slave. Even if the slave has been told to "stay" or to "sit", that order is only good until his SlaveMaster next enters or stands.

    3. When told to "sit", a slave sits on the floor. That is what "sit" means to a slave. When a slave is told to "lie down," he does so on a slave mattress or pad, not a bed. Beds and chairs are furniture which a slave is not authorised to use without being specifically ordered to do so.
    4. A slave does not sit anywhere, at any time, without the specific order of his SlaveMaster, except for in a room designated as slave space. That space may be designated within the SlaveMaster's home, or at any other location. If such a space is not designated, then a slave is NOT free to sit. Even when in the slave space, if the SlaveMaster enters that space, the slave would immediately rise to the PRESENT position, and remain in that position until told to "continue" or until given another order.
    5. A slave never begins to eat until his SlaveMaster has begun, AND everyone due respects who is within the SlaveMaster's communication or concern has begun. A slave's authority to eat is given when the SlaveMaster authorises food to be prepared for the slave, or when a slave is authorised to order from a menu. A slave does not ask if it is his SlaveMaster's intention for the slave to eat when there is food sitting in front of the slave, but he doesn't begin to consume that food until all, except slaves, have begun. If any Master in the area is not eating, the slave must have an explicit order to begin eating. At an eating table, a slave stands PRESENTED, rather than fully presenting while awaiting orders to sit and begin.
    6. A slave only uses the toilet the SlaveMaster has designated for him to use, and never uses the toilet seat, nor stands in front of that toilet to piss. When a slave uses the designated toilet or any clean, private toilet, the slave lifts the lid and seat, then sits on the rim of the seat. Afterwards, the seat and lid are lowered.
    7. When a slave feels the need for food or drink, the slave always asks his SlaveMaster His need first, then adds, "and Your slave?" A sample behaviour would include:
      1. PRESENTING appropriately, either full or standing
      2. Asking "SlaveMaster Sir?"
      3. Awaiting acknowledgement
      4. Asking "Sir, do You wish Your slave to get You some water Sir?"
      5. Responding "Sir, Yes Sir, Thank You Sir!"
      6. Then adding "and Your slave Sir?"
      7. Again responding "Sir, Yes Sir, Thank You Sir!"
    8. Whenever another slave presents, all slaves in the presence of the one who is required to PRESENT will PRESENT with that slave, i.e. a slave never watches another slave PRESENT himself, he joins the other slave in PRESENTING. Once PRESENTED, all slaves must wait for an order which allows each slave to move once again. The only exception is when the NON-PRESENTED slaves have been ordered to sleep and are in their ordered positions to sleep or when bound or otherwise encumbered in such a way that the PRESENTATION position cannot be physically achieved. PRESENTED slaves always align in an orderly fashion.
    9. A slave walks to the left and about one step behind his SlaveMaster, with his hands behind his back. Even when walking, as always, a slave only speaks after he has requested "SlaveMaster Sir?" unless responding to his SlaveMaster's questions.


  1. A slave responds to his SlaveMaster's presence in public the same as in private with some modifications to prevent inviting public criticism. The slave's behaviour must always engender respect for slavery, and for his SlaveMaster. No activity is to ever intentionally nor carelessly endanger that objective. Under most public circumstances, the following modification will accommodate the public's acceptance and understanding.
  2. In the general public, a slave normally would PRESENT STANDING instead of FULLY, to enter or leave the SlaveMaster's presence.
  3. In a restaurant, a slave stands at the end of the booth in a modified PRESENT, much like a parade rest, with the hands held open over the crack of the ass, until the SlaveMaster tells the slave, or points to the seat, to indicate that the slave should sit. The slave would discretely say "Sir, Yes Sir, Thank You Sir!" and take his seat. When the SlaveMaster stands for any reason, the slave would again rise to the modified PRESENT STANDING position. he would enter the position gracefully, and naturally, to not look hurried, clumsy, or "put on." The slave remains in that position until the SlaveMaster issues another order. A slave stands by in the same modified PRESENT STANDING position under any circumstance within the restaurant that he would be doing so privately.
  4. A slave refers to every man, regardless of age or position as "Sir" at least once in every conversation. This includes check out clerks and everyone else with whom the slave comes in contact. The only optional exception, is a clearly declared slave.
  5. In a public, or work situation around people who are not aware of the lifestyle, or where it would clearly be inappropriate, a slave does his best to avoid "I", "me", and "my" through the use of phrases such as "One might recommend..." or "This one would...". A slave never uses language which would invite criticism, cause disrespect for slaves, or endanger the effectiveness of the slave's work or profession.


Whether in public, or private, a slave PRESENTS himself, in this sequence, to:

  1. his SlaveMaster, expressing "SlaveMaster", until told to continue or ordered otherwise.
  2. The Master to whom the slave has been assigned, when applicable, express "Master," remain until told to continue or otherwise ordered.
  3. Other knowledgeable Masters who understand the PRESENT formality, and who the slave has previously met, and therefore already knows to be a knowledgeable Master. Express "Master" to those Masters who know that a slave cannot leave his PRESENTED position.

When a slave is with his Master, the slave's obedience is to His SlaveMaster unless his SlaveMaster directs, "Serve Your Master" at the time of presentation. Nevertheless, a slave obeys any order either his SlaveMaster or his Master issues. It is the SlaveMaster and Master's responsibility to assure there are no conflicts.

The slave then PRESENTS STANDING to:

  1. Other acknowledged Masters to whom the slave will be introduced, or be invited to say "hello" to, by someone with authority to release the slave from his PRESENTED position.
  2. Each BORN slave. All other activity must have been satisfied, and is done at the first opportunity that isn't distracting nor disturbing to the slave Owners. Express "slave." to show respect for another part of the SlaveMaster. When a response has been received from the BORN slave, the slave is free to continue whatever activity or circumstance he was in.
    BORN slaves also present to each other in the same way.
  3. Other slave brothers.

Whenever anyone touches, fondles, grabs, or otherwise uses a slave without the Owner's permission, the slave respectfully says "Sir, this is the SlaveMaster's slave. Please get His permission to use it Sir." The slave will neither indicate interest nor discouragement, nor show attitude of any form when expressing this truth.


This slave has read everything above, understands it, and agrees to accept, and live by the principles listed.
Failure to comply will be used only to indicate this slave's intention to immediately end this relationship, and to end his training.
