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So what is the purpose of this page
The purpose of this page is to allow
BDSM slaves to allow themselves to go safely though a Slave Auction
process that is both mutually beneficial to all parties concerned, and
is in agreements to all parties concerned. From the outside is is just
a game, the the inside it is a little more. So knowing that every BDSMer
loves a good auction it would make a sense to:
- Outline some successful slave auction styles. See "What makes
for a good slave auction".
- Announcing or getting to know where one might be held.
- Getting put forward 'for sale' and getting Sold
So what happens next ?
- You need to get a picture of you
in just some 501s clean and presentable.
- You are a small bio about you
as a slave and what you can do - your own my have use of some skills.
- Make your your passport is up-to-date.
- If you move out the country -
how are your family gonna like this, what will you say. dont be
guided by your dick as you will be a slave after you have come.
So Plan this change to your life.
- Make you you have had a health
- Such a move as this assumes that
you have NO LIMITS - if you do then don't bother. This area
is for serious Master and slaves. Some of the Master have 24/7 slaves
already buying one is different.
- You can buy a slave in a number
of ways.
The way Loan Sharks do - buy off a debt that they cannot repay.
If they are working for you you make sure that they cannot repay
the debt.
The other way is to hand over enduring power of attorney to your
Master along with all that you own. There are others of course.
- A Master will not be taking on
the role of your Mother or a nurse maid. He will assume that you
are capable.
- Both parties - Double check
is this right for you?
The hard reality is a court can rule
that your circumstance is unfair and remove you from the slavery assuming
you get access to one. If the Master is worth his salt then he would
have control of your Mind by then so you would not have taken any action.
Equally he would be dealing with your health care.
The basic nature of this route is that you have a Master that you dont
say no to. This is also miles away from hobby slavery at the weekend.
It may only suit 2% of the Masters and slaves out there. But for those
attention to detail is important.