For Sale...SOLD!
This typically address the slave need to shout from the roof tops that his
is now Owned. It also address the 'fetish' for Marking and Numbering
slaves, this is covered in the general case on Tanos's
web site
in which he comments on this fetish...
There are a number of scenarios when for example in the doghouse adverts
when you have a Master and want to change your advert from looking to Owned,
you can still remain a member of the doghouse, but clearly display that
you are now Property. In addition to this is the notion of registration,
whereby you can have public notice of your doggy number (from your DogHouse
registration) through to get registered at a Vets and using that number.
Once you have your number then have it on the registration document, and
on a bar code ready for your neck or arm.
In progress is the web page for those that want to register that they are
now Property and who their Master is, this is like a public registration
of slave to Master, like a Bill of Sale document.
Kennel Club Registration This offers the registration of
a slave to a Master, a public way of demonstrating that the slave is property,
that he is numbered, and most likely to have the bar code tattooed on his
body as proof.