Home » The Dog House » Members » Marking your Property » Markings:Permanent » Tattoos | | |

|  | Marking out your PropertyNothing lasts forever as I see it. Change is the feature of life, so in choosing a mark give it some thought as to what your are going to have | 
| Something as horny as a bar code tattoo, marking you out as some kind of product, something to be used, or an item of property is very powerful. Think of it at a number of levels:- Today's society is very consumer orientated and so people care reduced to products and categories. So is the tattoo also a statement about the world in which we live?
- Comment on the "I am not a number, I am a free man" issue.
The number could be your Citizen number, so reflecting your feeling of the "Big Brother is watching you". - Sometimes you can feel free of the ego so that you are just a property of your Owner.
You can Experiment with suitable Barcodes for the neck (try Bar Code Mill to choose one). You will need to resize it (using Paint Shop Pro perhaps) so that the tattoo lines will not bleed into each other and keep their definition. The desire for any Master is for the slaves to be able to be read by a scammer, very few tattooist are that accurate. Likewise you have some hard thinking in what wording or numbering. You really do need the deep consent of your slave. He will say "You Choose Master" but it is not a temporary thing, it really does imply long term commitment. On the other hand something that says something about himself, like his ID card number, or that he is Canine. Just be aware, regardless of your best intentions - all things change. | This can work at a different leave to the chain lock round your neck, it can also be independent. That is you are marked out as a given class of Citizen owned or unowned. Either way attractive to a Master (assuming he likes tattoos).- Such Markings can possibly upset Jews, as the Nazis identified people in the death camps by tattooing numbers on people.
Contrasting to this is this slave is a dog and you tattoo dogs...
|  |  | An Original site | Last changed on: 03 Apr 2002 17:27 -0000 |