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 Rules & Guidelines
Sensory Depravation
Breath Control
Mind Control
Advanced Training 
Slavery Observations
12 Steps to Humility
Basic Commands
|  | These rules are based on those from a prominent San Diego Master, Owning a number of slaves, which included dogslaves. The slaves are normally responsibilities for caring for the slave grooming, in a Master slave relationship, the Master grooms the slave at His convenience. These rules are consistent with all other dog training, where your Master would add to them, further defining them - you are being trained to meet HIS needs, and to fulfil your dog destiny, liberating your canine soul. All the things you teach him must be done to your specifications, any mistakes must be quickly corrected with the crop, and the training resumes at the last thing till he gets it right. This is the only way to ensure he learns, is to have a consistent training plan and to follow the rules.
| Rules & Guide lines ^- A dogslave must NEVER forget that he has surrendered his humanity to his Owner. ANY attempt by the dogslave to assume privileges or prerogatives of a human being will be SEVERELY punished.
- dogslaves will always travel on hands and knees. When allowed to sit, they will sit doggie style. dogslaves will NOT employ human furniture at any time without express permission.
- dogslaves will communicate through a series of "WOOFs" as commanded by the Owner. dogs will NOT speak in human tongues (this is only allowed for the safe word), nor will they bark or howl. Whimpering is allowed when being used or disciplined hard. If he persists in this, he has to accept other the muzzle or other methods of control.
- dogslaves shall perform all toilet functions on hands and knees, preferably outdoors, or on newspapers provided for that purpose. dogslaves shall "hold it" unless permitted to relieve themselves, this is part of his toilet training. It is not expected for the slave to use toilet paper for cleaning after toilet functions. Other slaves will take care of grooming: bathing, shaving, brushing the dog?s teeth and giving dogslaves a daily enema, if his Owner is not available.
- dogslaves shall be naked ( or in limited compulsory clothing) to the greatest extent permitted by law, except for a collar lock on his neck (and leash, as required).
Typically wearing leather doggy paws locked on by his Owner to restrict human dexterity. In cold weather, doggie coats or blankets will be provided. Because Nature does not provide formerly human dogslaves with tails, dogslaves shall constantly wear butt-plug dog tails when not being fucked doggie style.
- dogslaves will be fed dry dog food and table scraps from a bowl on the floor or from a willing Owner?s fingers.
They shall NEVER employ any utensils. Similarly, they shall only lap water, beer, piss, etc. from a bowl on the floor. They shall never use glasses straws or similar drinking apparatus. - The Owner will provide the dogslave with a small den-like cage (their Kennel) in, or at their Masters feet (on their dog bed/blanket) which to sleep when the dogslave is good. When dogslaves are bad, they sleep locked in a punishment cage or chained to the dungeon floor.
- dogslaves are encouraged to be affectionate:
to lick, sniff, hump, and frisk around His Owner and His friends. dogs must, however, learn the meaning of "NO" and "DOWN" and cease such activities on command. dogslaves naturally are interested in their own sexuality and will lick items that have touched their cock, ass, and cum. They are not allowed to use their hands to cum, and must learn to hump like the dog that they are, or take pleasure in their Master's touch. 
- dogslaves will be used sexually by the Owner and possibly by his friends. These dogs have to get used to lapping up their spilt cum, cleaning butt toys after use. They soon learn to respond good to petting by his Master, and to cower (with good reason) when he has been bad.
- good dogslaves get scratched behind the ears, petted, and wrestled with. Bad dogslaves get tied over a bench and severely beaten. All this is done for their own good, the dog licks the Masters hand in gratitude for training this his most humble animal slave, and the slave has to learn.
- dogslaves MUST provide for their own upkeep. they can do so by working at an outside job, in which case they will be allowed to assume human status for 10 minutes before leaving for work and for 10 minutes after arriving home.
Alternatively, they can do so by being used, damn hard, as an object and reminded of his behaviour later. - The dogslave relinquishes to his Owner EVERY item of human belongings of ANY kind and description for safe keeping.
The dogslave is owned, he bares the mark of ownership. He owns nothing. The Owner has absolute rights to use the dog-slave for ANY reason: sex, punishment, romping, display, or whatever. dogslaves have absolutely NO RIGHTS AT ALL and cannot refuse, halt, or limit anything the Owner chooses to do for fear of Masters disapproval, and the consequences there of. - When the dogslave is apart from his Master, he should keep a punishment book, a record of any breaches of Masters rules.
He should take good care of his Masters property (including himself), he should keep himself groomed as his Master directs (shaved regions), keeping his boots clean (polish or tongue as directed). - The slave is prohibited from wearing underwear/jocks under his jeans, being aware of his sexuality and status at all time. The Owner may direct the wearing of cock ring, he may have been privileged to be given a PA (in his doggy cock) to remind the slave who Owns him. The Master may put a lock in it to ensure the dog does not play around, or resort to a TollyBoy.
- The slave proudly wears his Masters chain bonded permanently around his neck with his dog tag clearly visible.
The slave should be proud of his status, what he is, this is developed my his Master. - The slave should sleep doggy style, to help him with this if he imagines that he is at his Masters feet, keeping him down, on the floor where he belongs.
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