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Mind Control
Total Control
Sleep Sacks
Electro |  | Everyone knows that if you cut out one of the senses the others become heightened, so the more you cut out the more you focus on those that remain. Then as they slip away so does your grip on reality and time. Then soon your imagination will run riot. This kind of scene is not best if you are paranoid or if you do not have faith in your Master. You can get real nervous; has he left you, what if he cannot hear you when you need him -will he care ? Some slaves that I have done this to have happily begun auto tripping, as if they are in another reality. You can of course ground them a little with some electro play |
 Sound ^ In this example, the slave is secured in a leather sleep sack, and has been for several hours. He has a thick padded 'head trip' hood on (Fetters/MrS HT9) along with some sound defenders (with ear plugs inside). This means that the padding limits any external sound, the yellow 'head phones' cut down external sound but introduce your own - white noise or hypnotic programming. This technique allows him to focus in on what you want and to cut away every distraction. -
- Cautions:
- Overheating, cramps and panic.
Sense of smell ^
As part of a sensory depravation scene you can enhance your control over your boy. Good use of Duck-tape and Russian or German gas mask - ensure that the air way is not likely to be accidentally blocked.
Cautions: - Overheating, cramps, air flow and panic.
If you need to, how quickly could you get this off ?
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