|  | In the 1950's and 60's, the US government was obsessed with discovering secrets of 'mind control'. At McGill University, in Montreal, Canada, the American Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron ran a clinic that rivalled any Soviet interrogation facility. (U.S. law forbade such experimentation, so nearby Montreal was chosen.) His techniques of 'depatterning', 'psychic driving', isolation and drug 'therapies' took many already mentally ill people into depths of madness they could never have imagined. Many of his patients were lobotomized, and sent to an oblivion some remain in today. 'Depatterning' was 'the destruction of the victim's personality' by repeated shock treatments up to forty times the intensity considered safe and drug induced sleep for periods up to ninety days. 'Psychic Driving' consisted of creating tape loops out of therapy sessions: selecting the most painful admissions and looping them, then forcing patients to listen to them over and over for up to 23 hours a day, sleeping or waking. They wore headphones, and even used football helmets with headphones set in them so patients would be unable to escape the electronically induced mantras. Patients were drugged to weaken their resistance, and given curare to paralyze them so they couldn't remove the headphones and helmets. Dr. Cameron's efforts were supported by the U.S. government, and clandestinely were attempts to find ways to achieve 'mind control'; the ultimate purpose to 'program' assassins and to get secrets from captured enemies. There are many documented cases of the government and Dr. Cameron using LSD-25, and prolonged isolation and interrogation on both captured prisoners and U.S. military personnel, besides the thousands of mental patients that were considered expendable. Dr. Cameron's special LSD-25 Experiments were part of the CIA's MK-ULTRA project to learn secrets of mind control. Cameron's 'work' was just one of many of their schemes, and imparted a new meaning to 'tripping your brains out.' In Journey into Madness (by Thomas Gordon, Bantam Books, New York, 1989), the author details many individual cases from the Cameron clinic; one case is followed through most of the book, the reader becoming more and more familiar with a woman named Madeleine Smith. |