No Wank
Cum Control
Caths FAQ Use of Sounds
Total Control
| | This section talks about the use of catheters as part of your slaves training. Each slave has a different pain thresh hold so you may need to handle each slave in a different way. To a large extent this form part of both his Toilet Training and your Total Control over him. To a large extent the Master has no choice but to do this kind of thing to his slave as it both clearly demonstrates who is in charge. Do you want a neutered Master or a Master that can do what he likes with you? Some safety considerations:
You have to to realise that what you insert down that hole needs to be clean, that you need to take care. When you use a catheter the come is sealed sterile packages. You also need to be aware that you need to use plenty of sterile lube (eg KY), that you take it easy. In the initial stages you might want to not enter the bladder, but just get the slave used to such invasion of his body. |