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The following assumes that you know what you are doing and that you have a high degree of trust and empathy between the slave and The Master

Advanced dog slave Training Techniques....
Temporary Neutering
Ever wished your slave would stop performing irritating habits? Ever wondered if you could get your pup to stop complaining about your bad habits? In this advanced form of training, you can "mould" your dogslave into a pup that only wants to serve, does not care about anything except you...
Chastity Slave Training
There are many arguments for controlling your slaves sexual drive. He will serve you better, in time he will attune himself more closely to his status. When he is allowed to cum it will he more meaningful and substantial, that if he jerks off two or 3 times a day, and then is not 'in the mood' for his Master.

Often a slave has a very high sex drive, and you may need for force wank him, to empty him, to make him cum every few hours, till he is sore, even waking up during the night.

Electro Shock Training
Proper selection of a shock collar for slave training, from among the many brands available on the market, is of paramount importance. Some brands and models will not work for training a female slave because of the way they are designed. Serious injury to your slave's delicate neck could result. Models and designs that fall into this dangerous category are ones that have shock prongs (the two metal electrodes that deliver the shock) that stick out like long sharp vampire teeth and cannot be properly modified to accommodate the slave's neck. Remember these collars were designed for dogs which have a protective coat of fur which of course your slave does not have. It is important to be mindful of this when selecting a shock collar
Toilet Training
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque dui justo, ultrices iaculis, pretium sed, interdum in, dolor. Fusce est metus, tempus quis, accumsan in, rhoncus non, wisi. Praesent vel augue non quam commodo accumsan. Etiam urna velit, vehicula id, laoreet a, tempus eget, diam. Donec orci sapien, adipiscing eu, aliquam sit amet, posuere non, sapien. Aenean in lorem. Nunc ultricies turpis ut nibh. Ut condimentum. Nullam sit amet lorem et quam tincidunt laoreet. Proin posuere dictum metus. Vivamus sit amet quam at mi feugiat rhoncus. Praesent nunc. Integer ultrices lacus sit amet erat. Vivamus dolor. Cras tristique eleifend nunc. Nulla vestibulum tempus sem. Curabitur ultricies sem eget odio. Proin ullamcorper vehicula dui. Nullam elit sapien, dictum nec, ultricies id, tristique sed, magna. Suspendisse est nibh, porta et, pharetra et, ullamcorper in, diam. Mauris accumsan. In dolor nunc, feugiat eu, malesuada elementum, fermentum at, arcu. Curabitur sagittis, massa sed posuere elementum, metus mi ornare urna, eget imperdiet ante diam eu odio. Vestibulum massa. Sed tincidunt tempus augue. Nunc dapibus ante at ante. Nulla vel est eget purus vehicula accumsan. Morbi dolor lectus, elementum nec, sollicitudin nec, dictum ut, sapien. Vestibulum interdum aliquet ligula. Cras at odio eu turpis tincidunt ultricies. Nulla lectus nunc, consequat vehicula, scelerisque a, porttitor vitae, lectus. Sed tincidunt ultricies risus. Vestibulum in tellus. Aliquam non tellus. In nibh lectus, bibendum nec, cursus ac, dictum sed, nisl. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla diam. Phasellus suscipit. Aenean vel nunc et quam adipiscing blandit.
Advanced Toilet Training
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque dui justo, ultrices iaculis, pretium sed, interdum in, dolor. Fusce est metus, tempus quis, accumsan in, rhoncus non, wisi. Praesent vel augue non quam commodo accumsan. Etiam urna velit, vehicula id, laoreet a, tempus eget, diam. Donec orci sapien, adipiscing eu, aliquam sit amet, posuere non, sapien. Aenean in lorem. Nunc ultricies turpis ut nibh. Ut condimentum. Nullam sit amet lorem et quam tincidunt laoreet. Proin posuere dictum metus. Vivamus sit amet quam at mi feugiat rhoncus. Praesent nunc. Integer ultrices lacus sit amet erat. Vivamus dolor. Cras tristique eleifend nunc. Nulla vestibulum tempus sem. Curabitur ultricies sem eget odio. Proin ullamcorper vehicula dui. Nullam elit sapien, dictum nec, ultricies id, tristique sed, magna. Suspendisse est nibh, porta et, pharetra et, ullamcorper in, diam. Mauris accumsan. In dolor nunc, feugiat eu, malesuada elementum, fermentum at, arcu. Curabitur sagittis, massa sed posuere elementum, metus mi ornare urna, eget imperdiet ante diam eu odio. Vestibulum massa. Sed tincidunt tempus augue. Nunc dapibus ante at ante. Nulla vel est eget purus vehicula accumsan. Morbi dolor lectus, elementum nec, sollicitudin nec, dictum ut, sapien. Vestibulum interdum aliquet ligula. Cras at odio eu turpis tincidunt ultricies. Nulla lectus nunc, consequat vehicula, scelerisque a, porttitor vitae, lectus. Sed tincidunt ultricies risus. Vestibulum in tellus. Aliquam non tellus. In nibh lectus, bibendum nec, cursus ac, dictum sed, nisl. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla diam. Phasellus suscipit. Aenean vel nunc et quam adipiscing blandit.