This as you can imagine can be quite intense. Typically you let
him know that he has to take say 10 hard smacks to the balls
during the course of the evening. The first one is always a real
hard one - does he really want another but he will in due
You can then teach him to 'ask' for the next one. A large deal
of a slaves training is of his Mind, learning to control his own
mind, and his body, this seems to take the form of hypnotic
conditioning just as much force of will.
- Ball roped to his nuts
- An alternative is to buy one of the footballs that has a
rope attached. The other end of the rope is tied
around his ball stretcher - its up to you if you want to use
some bungee rope to attach the ball to the balls. This is
often used in his initial training until he is correctly
trained. Its up to you if you blindfold him or not. I have
found it better if he can see what might be happening as the
anticipation develops his fear - you might not kick it first
- Posture
- You can either tie him in position or tell him to hold
position. If he stands against the wall with his legs apart
and waiting you can land a perfect kick from behind. Your
tow would be pointing up. If you kick from the front your
toe would be pointing forward so you can get maximum
coverage of his nutts.