|  |  This section covers the responsibilities of a Master. This differs from a Top or a Dom. Some might say the a difference between a Sadist and a Master is responsibility. A Master typically is looking for a deeper commitment from his slave. As one slave puts it "there is this deep level of emptiness inside when the slave has no Master, no Owner - the worst thing in the world is to be a stray, this creature is incomplete", this is what the Master is there to address, and balance, like the Yin&Yang. When the two are compatible, the slave 'worship' his Master (expression of extreme devotion), it is the knowing of your place in the world. Just as there are different kinds of Tops/Masters so is there different kinds of slaves, including submissive Masters and dominant slaves, Masters that like to be fucked and slaves that like to fuck. Be aware that slaves are getting wise to so called 'Masters' who just want a boy to want them, maybe fist them if they are luck (also note differences between Master and SlaveMaster). The slaves Owner has a commitment to the continual development of the slave, till the point when there are no real limits - this means that the slave may leave you when there is no further growth, as in time all things change (why a 'property of' tattoo is good at the time, but not when he is with his new Owner - far better to have a tattoo that says something about him or marks an event) or that you need to lend him out which is good for you both, and allows him to try new things - few Masters are good at everything, and often they get good what interests them, the slave might need something else. You could take your dogslave to the SM 'vet', this could float some anticipation/ anxiety in the slave's being, or even cold fear. So much of the time it is what is in their respective head spaces that defined their roles. The slave feels that he is there to please his Master (and if that includes, tying him up and fucking him, so be it - it is what the Master wants), the slaves gives, with all his heart and being to his Master. The Master has to be aware of this and regulate the flow, so that there is something left for tomorrow. The Master may have to develop 'mind-reading skills', it is simple for the slave, all he has to do (at first) is simply obey, if he does a crap job, (90%) of the time it is the fault of the Master. Good Masters are managers, they manage them selves and their slaves. If you don't have these skills get some Management self-improvement tapes and listen to them on the way to work each day. What a Master is not, is a babysitter! There are very few 'born' slaves, those that are born to total slavery, the absolute and complete subjugation of the will of one human being to another, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These are special creatures destined to be owned without reservation by another human being. After reading the following sections you will become aware that a Master has greater responsibilities that a Top. The slave should be safe with both, for a Top, a slave is just 'sport' with in bounded role play. To a Master a slave is there to be developed, to fulfil his destiny as a slave, to become the best he can be. The Master needs lots of skills, to help the slave win through, often being a source of strength for the slave, counselling him, even fixing his head. The developing slave will go through a lot of growing pain that you have to cope with, maybe questioning feelings in himself, lots of pre-conditioning, lots of "should" and"ought to". You have to be his guide as he crosses into new, unknown territory, to be able to calm him down, reassure him when he breaches another barrier. You need to be able to grow his self-esteem so that he feels good and contented as the slave that he is - for society will not approve of him, seeing him as weak , where as in fact he is stronger than many who might judge him. A good Master can often see the boy for what he really is, there is often a glow with in him (or a gut feeling), when the boy discovers his true self ("knows which side his bread is buttered") there is a massive peace that comes over him-- the knowing. I guess this is when you are in harmony with your soul. The things that you do with a slave there to nourish his slave's soul, it helps him grow, it supports his inner self image. This ranges from the slave sleeping in bondage, in his cage, being 'marked' out as a slave, used as a slave - for this is what I am. Ships are safe in a harbour, but this is not what ships do For a budding Master, it would not hurt him to develop some Management Communication and Assertiveness skills. Other than shouting louder than the slave he should have command and authority in his voice, and it is desirable for the Master to be confident that he can over power the slave if the need arose - otherwise it might just be all talk! More Info A Slave Master's view point Masters shop and find slaves the way they shop and find a car to drive -OR- Build a slave, and once built act in the best interest of the slave, to force him to fulfil his destiny, to be professionally, socially, personally, sexually, and every other way exactly the way he was meant to be.
A Comprehensive Advert Detailing exact requirements of a slave, what he wants and what he is prepared to give.
Masters personal skills inventory This assumes that he can tie rope, lock chains and cause pleasure & pain.