| | Job of the Master ^

Is to break the context switch problem. This is where the slave perceived an affront to his personal dignity what he behaves towards his Master (or his Masters touch) when out of the SM play space. This requires that the slave trusts his Master. It can be achieved with the following approach. - Desensitising of the perception between humiliation and normal behaviour - it helps when the SM couple are firmly grounded in their perception of their SM community, what is 'acceptable behaviour' in the SM play space, knowing that they are a different an better breed to those in the more mundane Vanilla world.
- Giving the slave inner strength, security and pride - he has (or will have) much to be proud off, there will be many that can only dream of what he has achieved and become. There 'bitchiness' and comments often reflect their jealousy, their insecurity and ability to cope with with 'difference' in their mental prison. They typically say "Your Sick" (as they have not managed rational argument this being a knee-jerk comment), if your slave is unprepared he might believe them, he sold not loose site of their pathetic little world, and how he has embarrassed a new diversity. At very worst your slave is better able to cope with change diversity and has a wider horizon than they ever could.
As the slave changes in the inside, it soon comes to the surface. He no longer notices the chain on his neck (expect when it is not there), when someone asks, he looks to see what they are talking about, "Oh that..." Wait till he tells the mundanes how he got his piercing or how he licked the urinal clean - that is really something to talk about. Though it is often said that a slave is never good enough for his Master, he still has to have a strong sense of self worth and often it is the job of a Master to build up the slaves mental defences (slaves are possibly stronger than a Master, as the Master can easily fit into societies norms). The Master is the slaves councillor (as maybe his slave peers are to), the Master has to fix the head of his slave. Help him to hold his Owner in the work place. Effectively, you need to make his strong enough for him to wear his chain in public. For him in public to call you "Sir" (in Europe it is a little humiliating to call anyone SIR of your own volition, unlike in a number of American states).