Anchoring Scrambling Chunking Rapport Language Induction Self Hypnosis Further Reading
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Mind Control Reading List
Warning: Do not read this page whilst driving or when operating machinery |
|  | You may also want to consider these methods if you want to enhance your confidence or stop smoking(scrambling technique for habit modification) or loose weight or affect a change that is in harmony with your self. There are many other web sites, books and training courses that can go into this in far greater detail than this page ever can.Hypnotherapy is a relationship between two people where one person focuses all of their attention toward making actual and lasting shifts and changes within another person toward or away from various experiences at the request of the other person. So why use hypnosis in SM ? Many experienced Masters and TOPs use elements of this already when they 'talk' to the slaves, especially if into control scenes. Some people are naturals this way, and often end up with jobs as successful salesmen. For me the base reason is that I get the best possible out of a slave, I allow him to give me the performance that he truly want so give. Sometimes slaves try just too damn hard, and sort of trip themselves up, so of sabotage them selves. Other times mental blocks get in the way and screw up their 'performance'. Strange that you would not give a second thought for using hypnosis for an actor and stage fight, so why not for a slave. This assumes that Masters don't need it when doing an SM demo in front of their peers and worried that other Master might criticise their ability. Hard to believe I know, but some Masters are only human and not the Gods that we are certain of.
- So for this initial page I will gloss over the main areas and uses.
- Then at the end will be a reading list.
And of your responsibilities ? This is not something to fool around with, and yet it is a very natural phenomenon what can be a great addition to your life. You need a degree of trust as that will help you open up better, and you always trust your Master, don't you? You also need LOTS of practise. You cannot learn hypnosis from a book or from email or a web, but by doing it, so check out weekend courses versa books and quick fixes. I cannot tell you how 'great' it is - you can discover that for yourself. Courses can vary, some appear more interested in just getting your money. The approach that I took was to do a weekend course to see if I was any good at it, then an advanced one (whatever advanced is, lots more talk it seemed), then took a professional qualification, added with lots of practise. It seems that the education is just the starting point, just like passing your car test is the starting point for motoring.
A Reality Check: - Everyone can be hypnotised unless your IQ is really THAT low...
You are in a form of trance when you are crawling along the freeway or in a shopping mall or washing the same old dishes after a meal. Elements of hypnosis are used in Business and Retailing Designers of Stores and Malls know this and manipulate you more than you can imagine, you buy what they want you to buy! They know the types of behaviour of the different kinds shoppers ( shoplifter behaviour is so radically different they might as well be wearing a sign), they know how to target each different kinds. As you can imagine they have spent a lot of money in this research. - The people that you see on Hypnosis TV shows when there wanting to be picked, they are exhibitionist, the pre-show selection is quite exhaustive to find of all those most suggestible, the more TelliVisual and entertaining - At the end of it, you do it because you want to, you have permission to act the fool.
- You will not do anything that you don't really want to do.
- It also takes a lot of practice to just snap your fingers and have someone barking like a dog - Nothing is quite like it is on TV.
Principle: To set up an association between a stimulation and a positive state. Much like how Pavlov's dog might start to salivate when he heard the dinner bell, eg reaction/antisipation of pain (cp) Principle: To disrupt an old sequential pattern of behaviour, ready for a new one.changing 'bad' habits Principle: To identify the steps needed to achieve a specific outcome. Dividing sentences into non-overlapping phrases is called text chunking. You can use this to attain a specific goal. Perspectives: Principle: To discover how to build a rapport with your subject of effect interactionstuff: posture, breathing, like2line etc Language ^ Principle: To discover effective language stuff: Using an effective dialog that is more receptive to the subconcious Principle: To discover how enter into an altered & receptive statestuff: Type up the concious with a repeditive activity so that you can can access to the subconcious Principle: How to do it yourself - its easier than you think. Perspectives: |
Further Reading ^ Remember there is a difference between knowing all the theory and actually doing it. Books can help with the background, the case studies suggest that no one problem is ever unique and could have been solved in the past in another case - so why not try it. - -Books-
This is a small selection of what there is out there. Seldom do you get books just on hypnosis, better look under psychotherapy, psychology or self help.- Hypnotherapy, An Exemplary case book.
By Milton H Erickson ISBN 0-8290-0244-8 Published by Irvinton Publication Inc. - Hard to get hold of except via http://www.amazon.com - Hypnotic Alteration of Sensory Perception
By Milton H Erickson ISBN 0-8290-0543-9 - So you want him to bark like a dog, do you... - Magic of Raport
By Jerry Richardson ISBN 0-916990-20-6 Published by Meta Publications - Hard to get hold of except via http://www.amazon.com - Psychology of Influence
By Robert B Cialdini ISBN 0-688-12816-6 Published by Quil - Excellent book. All TOPs should read this one. It can also bring a smile to you face :) - My voice will go with you
By Sidney Roson ISBN 0-393-30135-4 - Excellent book.
- -Web Sites -
The Milton H. Erickson Institute This was quite an amazing man, he was born on a farm in 1901, he was dyslexic, did not speak till he was 4yr or so, brought up on a farm. He broke all the rules of his time, as was quite some maverick. He was perceived to attain a god like status, when people thought a mere hand shake from him could render you into trance. He broke with of the time tradition and devised interventionist therapies for each of he patients (he was also an MD). He considered each person as unique and had a solution for each. Up to his time it was considered only 10% of the population could be hypnotised (that is 10% of the population are that suggestible and submissive that they responded to such orders - very directive). His approach used every possible angle to hypnotise a subject, using the subject resistance against themselves. Today some Hypnotherapist claim they are "Ericksonian" which sort of implies that they have not moved on since his day, just as Erickson was constantly innovating and moving on for his peers. In his day people were "In Therapy" for 10s of years, he got results in a few sessions. You can imagine the loss or earnings (from the cash cows) that these shrinks had when he came a long and got results that quickly.
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