You may also be looking for conditioned responses, we all have these its part of life, but you wants special ones for your dog. Contemporary Hypnosis tends to be Goal Orientated. Which is to say that it is there to meet an ends, so your really have to set out clear objectives of what you hope to achieve with a practical path to achieve that objective. Sample objectives include: - Obedience Training
- More dog like, develop instinctive reactions.
- Punishment with a phrase
- Confidence as a slave (like that of the exhibitionist slaves), development of self worth.
- Control of any bad habits
Assuming that you have studied and Mastered the art of hypnosis, there are often many new age course available, however some seem real keen on getting your money and giving you little. You need to work with your slave building up a rapport so that you can work with each other. |  |
One pup describes his basic hypno training thus: My Master said that the more simple it was, the better it would work. He also said, general hypnosis is better than specific. So he used hypnosis for only three main objectives.
First, he made me always more obedient.
i think he did this by influencing my feelings. i remember that if i did something well he would smile and put a hand on my head, then i would feel very warm and safe and happy. Often i would try to lick his hand, he loved that. If he did not smile, i felt bad and unhappy. The obedience hypnosis was very strong, he hypnotized me minimum two times a week for three years. Sometimes that caused problem, i remember when he told me to lick his boots. There was something sharp on the right boot, it cut my tongue i tried to get his attention by making a whimpering/crying noise but he didn't listen and i could not stop.
Secondly he used hypnosis also to make me more like a dog.
i think he linked that to when i was wearing my dog chain. Normally i was his slave but with the dog chain locked around my neck, i changed. i could just not feel my mind anymore, no thoughts or feelings only a deep need to serve and lick his boots and make him happy. that was my happy time, i felt better as a dog than as a man.
Third thing he used hypnosis was to punish. When he said, "Richard bad boy!" that was punishment. i mean when he said that i suddenly felt really bad, i think he worked on the fears everybody has as child. When he said that, i would be very afraid like in panic. everything would be bad, like when i was younger i believed there was a beast with big teeth under the bed, there there was something in the bedroom wardrobe. That is what it felt like, like someone was trying to kill me and he could be anywhere. i also felt very depressed, unhappy, and sick like i was going to throw up. The only way i could get those feelings to go away was by licking his boots and begging for forgiveness. When he said, Richard, forgiven! i felt ok again, happy and safe.
He also tried to make me feel pain, in my balls, when he said Richard bad boy! but that never worked so well with me, he said he had earlier dog did it worked good for. but the fear and the depression worked really good, so every doggy is different, with different combinations that work. H he also used hypnosis for another reason, he made me able to think and concentrate better. When i was his dog, my career also really worked well, and he fixed many other things in my life. Maybe i did not tell you about the 'feeling' part of the relationship. We had a normal master and slave relation. i trusted my Master a lot, then we got into hypnosis. After some while i noticed how great his power was over me. Then i was a bit afraid. But we talked this over and then my trust grew for him again, but more so, the trust went deeper and deeper, it was really great.
The only real trouble was after that thing with licking his boot, where i cut up my mouth and tongue. Maybe that was just me, really, but i could never total trust him after that (1, like something broke, you end up waiting for it to happen again.
The effects from the mouth damage were real bad, i could hardly speak or eat, When i had to tell my doctor what had happened, it was the wrong sort of humiliation. slave richard
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One way to over come this breach of trust is to accept that it could happen again, then accepting that, then you can go on. Ideally however it is not unreasonable to expect that your Master cares for you and looks ahead for possible problems. You both want the SM to be a positive experience.