In answer to the question:
"I am desperate 2 become a fully trained dog, with a 24/7 master.
Everything on your site is perfect. I feel like i am me for the first time reading it. I have made a profile but i was hoping there was some way of ensuring i find a master that can train me totally and utterly more quickly?
i don't want 2 just have 2 wait and hope."
here is some feedback.
- Question
- I am desperate 2 become a fully trained dog, with a 24/7 master.
Everything on your site is perfect. I feel like i am me for the first time reading it. I have made a profile but i was hoping there was some way of ensuring that i find a master that can train me totally and utterly more quickly?
I dont want 2 just have 2 wait and hope.
I have read ...How do I get trained?
i just want to go 2 meet my master, and from then on i am being trained fully as his pet, with the only thing that matters being pleasing him.
i want 2 know that i am owned, and everything i do will be commanded by my master, as i live as his dog, totally, with only obeying and pleasing my master that matters, properly living as his pet.
and i want to feel totally and utterly devoted to master.
it is just being a master's dogslave that matters. nothing else
feb 2009
reply The realism bit here is that you have to behave right with the Masters that you might meet (act as you mean to go on).
The bit “properly living as his pet” means that you think that you will be living in with him.
What if he has a boy friend already?
This means that the BF comes first and that you are unlikely to be living-in. If he has no BF then he has to accept that he is never going to have a BF just his dogboy, unless less this pup turns from being a pet into a BF; then you have to look for another Master again.
This means you will have to compartmentalize your life, first get a Master then get a BF; so each are independent of each other. A good Master will often help in choosing the BF, making sure he is suitable (after all you are still his property).
The BF have to be BDSM friendly, as the notion of sharing you with another man(BF) will seem wrong if you follow the monogamy path. That type of BF is unsuitable for you as it will end it tears (you lie, lead a secret life, hide all your leather from the BF, he then starts to spy on you, trust is abandoned etc etc…)
"I don't want 2 just have 2 wait and hope..."
This means taking action, that plan are you going to put in place?
Your phone code suggest you live in Watford, how far can you travel, can your travel?
You might want to go out to leather bars or clubs – have you got any gear to follows the dress code?
You are close enough to go to as well as
You can place adverts on other general purpose high volume site such as in the Masters and slaves group.
The famous quote goes "
man - God, why do I never win the Lotto?
God - meet me half way and buy a Lotto ticket!"
Basically you have to take action - what causes are you making for this all to happen?