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Iron Slave Collar PremiumAlthough it is more usual for a dog to have a leather or chain collar around his neck, sometimes you might want to go for something with some obvious weight.  An Iron collar is more inline with the traditional slave than your house hold pet.  However there are many flavours and degrees of dogslave and yours might respond well to this kind of collar. They are typically available from suppliers such as "MrS".

  • The Master has a nice chunk of heavy studded leather at hand when he needs to discipline his dog.
  • The collar is wider than the chain so can do less damage to the neck if tugged or dragged.
  • Feels more malleable in the hand - I happen to enjoy handling a dog more by a leather collar, almost like he has a handle.


  • Chance of nickel-rash.
  • Easily removed, feels too temporary.
Pre 19th Century Irons replica Collar
  • Some budget versions are two bits of bent metal held together by a padlock.
  • The next step after that are the style often referred to as "Pre 19th Century Irons" which uses a simple rivet pin hinge and screw thread. All very solid and functional. In the pre-19th Century all that was really available was a hammer and an anvil.  A straight strip on metal could become a sword or bend it and it became a shackle. A screw thread was a later innovation.
  • Following this is the modern day versions (premium) which essentially are a segment of iron pipe with with hinges welded on at one end and a cylinder bolt lock at the other.  These versions are top grade but have the disadvantage of being very heavy.
    Needlessly heavy or reassuringly, gratuitously heavy depending on your view point. Both styles are secure. The heavy weight means that the slave is very aware of his plight. They also make leg and wrist irons where you can just about lift your arms, so serving in them is very hard work. Adding insult to injury they also make a ball and chain with an insane weight of ball.
  • Modern day ones (Guantanamo Bay Detention facility approved) are basic hand cuff variants. These are much lighter and for long term use.

Premium Collars

Iron Slave Collar Premium
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