One of the essential features of a Dogslave is the particular need to be collared, where as a traditional slave or submissive might be quite indifferent on the subject. A Dog needs to be handled by his collar, is there for his security, the mark of what he is and a symbol of his Masters control over him. The initial part is getting the pup used to the collar, it being on there - eventually 24/7. There are differences between his dog chain and a leather collar. For most of us a dog chain one can be hidden under an office 'Dress Shirt', a leather ones is a little more tricky unless you are in a 'artistic' profession where conventions of dress do not apply. |
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On the other hand in time he will forget it is there so he is no longer self-conscious of it. | The benefit of the thick leather one is that you can take it off and beat the pup with it when correction is needed. Likewise it is easier with a leash to yank him back into position when you teach him to walk to heal. |
There are also the psycho connection that you can develop so that he shakes his neck and hears the clank of the dog tag and chain, when he scratches his neck it again rattles, it clanks against his Steel dog dish when he feeds - He will love the fact that it is there. |
 | Additional Collar TrainingWith the pups paws securely cuffed behind him, you can begin getting him collar trained. Choose a collar with the quick release clip and the slow adjustable strap so you can gradually get it to the right fit around the slaves neck. |