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Your PC is running slowly and you have to reboot.
Running out of resources
  1. You may have too many programs running or too many windows open. Try closing some. Windows is not an operating system that you can leave on for days at a time (unlike some versions of Unix or os/2 which perform the same for months ). Windows will occasionally become cluttered with unused junk - you can either have a good clear out and keep only what you use or reinstall windows.
  2. Other people might use Norton Ghost or TrueImage to make a clone of their perfect PC configuration and use that to restore it to peak performance. You can either make a recovery image to CD/DVD or to a partition on your disk which is dead fast and without impact - of course not the disk you are going to be backing up. Most DVD writers are initially only seen as CD drives and so the drivers are required to use it - not good in they are on your recovery disk which cant be read.
  3. You are using ADSL for the home. This has a 50:1 contention ratio which means your network connection is shared with 50 other people. Which means at peak times such as lunch time and in the evenings it will slow right down and at at others it will feel very quick. A business connection would have a contention ratio of 25:1 so only 25 people are trying to use the connection all at the same time but this costs more. Having a contention ratio is because are are not all downloading at the same time, sometimes we are reading the page or sipping coffee - that wasted time is used by someone else. Streaming media is is constant use, so if 49 oof the other people sharing your connection are downloading music then it will feel dead slow.
  4. It is possible that your  disk drive is fragmented so will need a quick 'spring clean' from your computer using button2 and select Manage then choose Defragment and defrag your disk. It will complain if you do not have 30% free space on the disk otherwise the performance of your disk will be impaired.
  5. Most PCs now are used to having 256mb of ram in them "double ram" is meaningless like what is double zero?  RAM is cheap so buy it now. No PC in the office has less than 512mb and if you are a gamer then you will want fast DDR2 ram.
  6. SpyWare on your PC will show it down - because the PC is working on that as well as what you have asked it to do.
  7. Virus Activity - you should have adequate protection against virus attack. This will show down your PC.
  8. Incompatible drivers and Hardware - typical problem areas have always been the humble mouse driver and the Screen drivers - devices are competing for resources or conflicting with each other at the lowest level in your system. So ensure that you run your updates once a month or just set it to automatic.
  9. MSIE is a rich feature program - the cost of that is that if you leave it running for alone time it will eat up resources. The mean time between failure for MSIE is about 10hours. During that time it can grab memory and not let go of it - many other programs do this as well. At some point in time you run out.
    Instead  of getting the blue screen of death you get a popup box to send the error to Microsoft so they can constantly improve their products.
  10. Other browsers such as FireFox do not do this they are also not feature rich or as integrated into windows - Firefox is multiplatform and conforms to W3C standards where as MSIE is more flexible and forgiving of sites. This means that it conforms to the lowest common denominator (a Windows OS, a Unix OS, Palm OS or a Mac OS are not all the same  so how does a browser be the same for every platform if the underlying architecture does not support something?). Get Firefox
    FireFox is a great browser especially if you have poor eyesight but some features will be missing.