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Forgot my login details

This registration information is the minimum required for you to logon onto the doghouse. Duplicate profiles will be deleted. This system uses cookies that allow you to bypass logon in some sections - but the minimum amount of information is actually stored on the PC that you are using.

What are the rules for specifying Input Data?
Your Doghouse UserID, password must have the format of the following

  • must be no longer than 50 characters
  • may contain numbers (0-9), upper and lower case letters (A-Z, a-z), hyphens (-), underscore (_) and periods (.), !, #, $, %, &, ', +, /, =, ?, [, ], ^, `, {, |, }, ~
  • cannot contain any spaces, backslash (\), colon (:), double-quote ("), semicolon (;), comma (,), less than (<) and the greater than (>) characters, parentheses("(", ")"), asterisks("*")


Input Data

User ID
This is a unique logon ID and profile name, it may also be your screen name in the chat rooms. This is no longer that 50 letters long. Please do not use Spaces as as in "john Doe" as it might sometimes be "john%20Doe" so use an underscore so that it would look like "john_Doe". There could be occasions where you may choose a name like "...john" so that you are first in the list in front of "john". This is because the sort order of  "." and "a" means that "." comes first. 
This is to be no longer that 50 letters long. It cannot be blank.
First Name
This is the name you wish to be addressed by, as in john for "john_Doe"
Last Name
This is your last name as in Doe for "john_Doe"
male / female
To the naked eye there are only two sexes - Male and Female.
If you have changed sex then this is your new sex - that is you now look female choose female.
If you cross dress and are a man then choose MALE you can place your self in the Transient Gender section later.
This is the country that you currently live in. There are other ways of getting listed in more than one country if you travel a lot.
Sample Questions
When you have forgotten your Password or other logon details you might want to find out this information right now and not have to wait for an email or for me to fix it for you. In this list there are some Sample Questions you are NOT limited to this you can choose your own Question in your own Language. The question should not be something that anyone else could know - like 'am I Asian' or 'whats me name'  - where as few people know the name of your first infant school (possibly even you).  Equally from a data protection point of view - do not include Passport, Bank, Social Security numbers. Are systems are encrypted but what if you exposed that information in your local Cyber Cafe ?
My Secret Question
This is a Secret Question that only you would know the Answer to. The computer will show you this question and will match it to your Secret Answer literally. That includes spelling mistakes, spaces and other typos.
My Secret Answer
This is like your alternative password. It is there as an additional means of identification.
This is your email. Ideally it is one that you will be using if you upgrade your account via paypal. This email address is checked as being valid so if you have a blocker on it then you account will be marked as dead. This could mean that it will be deleted in due course. If you choose to have a email address at the doghouse or use the messaging system then this really must be the one you look at often. We respect your privacy so checkout our privacy statement.


There are a number of mouse over buttons.

  1. Register - This assumes you have put in all your details and you want to create your account.
  2. Accept - This assumes you have in the past placed an advert on the doghouse via the "Joining" page. You therefore can look up your advert and take all the details in that to create your account.
  3. Reset - This resets the form for you to re-enter the data.
  4. [check this email] - This looks up the email provided in the EMAIL input field to see if your advert can be found if it has it will create the account for you and link up your advert.
  5. [check userid] - This checks to see if someone has already used that userid. Just like with other systems you cannot have duplicate userids as how can you know who it is that has logged on. Likewise creating an account using the same email account is unwise.
  6. [i] - This will cause more details to be shown about the input field in question.  For some users there may be too much information for others too little. Somehow  you have to get the right balance.