faq » How Do I » Gift Subscription

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Gift Subscription
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Indirect Subscriptions.
This is where one person pays for a subscription that someone else benefits from. This could be for Masters buying a subscription for their pet or if you don't want your boyfriend or wife to find out what you are into.
Gift Token
You might want to buy a subscription for someone else, your pup perhaps?
You might not have online money but your friends do.
You want full anonymity in your banking - You can make out a Travellers cheque/check to TimberZEN and they transfer payment to the doghouse.
Method one:
Use the payment by post method as you upgrade your account and on the form that you send in with your payment give the email of the account you want to upgrade along with their userid.
This will ensure that your account is not upgraded but the theirs is.

Method two:
Go to the doghouse shop and buy a subscription voucher. This has an expiry date - that ids you cannot buy 5 years worth  to hedge off inflation. In effect you buy some  pounds worth of subscription - which is redeemed as cash would be so in some future market it would buy you a different period. The only benefits would be if there was a lot of variation in your currency eg what if could $2=£1.
How do I activate a Token I got in the mail
Enter  the details in the coupon link below.
How do I activate a Voucher or Coupon
Sometimes there are special deals where a voucher can get you a discount. These vouchers exist due to some promotion. Like all vouchers there is an expiry date. The terms of the discount are on the voucher. You would enter the coupon code into the system and if it is currently active it will apply the offer to your session. If there was a coupon to get a subscription discount then when you go to make a purchase that discount is applied. The voucher would apply to one person and one account - that is you cannot buy many gift token with the same voucher ID.